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Mayan Jaguar Time: Looking for Answers

Belit - July 22, 2020 - 0 comments

Mayan Jaguar Time: Looking for Answers

Here is a new series, Mayan Jaguar Time, by one of our contributing writers, Belit. In this series she’ll share her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign.

The universe is always working with us.

It never ceases to amaze me how the universe ALWAYS conspires to give us exactly what we need at exactly the right time.

Having always been someone who loves to read and research, it was only a matter of time before what I needed to see and hear would be presented to me in a manner that I needed. 

Feeling confused by different chart readings

I had just received my 13th, if I recall correctly, a different astrological chart from an online generator, which had at least 4 things different from the previous chart. This, of course, left me feeling more befuddled than before. 

And this was only after attempting to change one or two things at a time on my chart.  The choices were a myriad and the combinations would have one lost for days, first to create them and then years to understand them. 

There were different house systems, different styles, with asteroids, without asteroids, tropical, sidereal, and the list goes on and on, with the caution that if you do not understand using certain systems, don’t.  

Looking for clarity in the confusion

I laid out my charts and tried to figure out the similarities and differences.

I had started the search because I could not contact the astrologer who drew up my first chart and when I pulled up a second chart online, the first astrologer had missed or neglected to explain a major portion of my chart.

With my continued search, as the universe intended, I found My Mayan Sign.

Discovering my Mayan sign

I was a little hesitant to search after all the time I had spent with the other charts, to generate yet another chart.  But, nonetheless I proceeded on and to my utter amazement, this one made total sense from the first glance. 

As I read the descriptions and explanations, everything clicked. My youth signs, my adult signs and my mature signs all fit me to a T. 

What struck me most was the connection to the jaguar.  I have always been fascinated by jaguars.  Learning in the physical realm, what I have always felt instinctively, that the sign of the jaguar has a strong connection with feminine energy and earth energy, that jaguar is sensitive and a source of inspiration for those close to them, resonated with my spirit and made me feel at home.

After all the charts I looked at and pondered over, the one thing that stood out to me from the Mayan system was the importance of the energies that influence time. This aspect of Mayan astrology is very insightful when learning about oneself, and I’m excited to explore further…

So, here I am, a jaguar. 

Are you a Jaguar?
If so, share some of your discoveries in the comments below. 

And I’ll see you next time on Mayan Jaguar Time as we explore this sign more…

Belit - Contributing Writer at My Mayan Sign

Previous articles from this Mayan Jaguar Time series:

Part 1: Looking for Answers

Part 2: The Search Begins

Part 3: The First Step

Part 4: The Consultation

Part 5: Living That Jaguar life

Part 6: Creating Peace and Harmony

Part 7: Creating a Sacred Space, Part 1

Part 8: The Jaguar Trecena

Part 9: Creating a Sacred Space, Part 2

Part 10: Parallel Lives

Part 11: This is Who We Are

Do you know your Mayan Sign? Get your free report.

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I am Belit. Jaguar, galactic tone: 7, trecena: rabbit; mother, wife, dancer, musician, sacred ancient healer, seeker of esoteric truths and wisdom, nature lover, linguist, arts enthusiast, martial artist, one who listens, loyal and real... Visit My Website Here

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