4 Storm
The number 4 is a number of completeness, for we live in a world of four directions. It is a day when all things are possible, and all potential may be realized. Kawoq is the day sign of the Divine Feminine, and I have also heard it called the day of Universal Community, for this is a day sign that draws people together in much the same way that wives and mothers hold a household together. All goals involving peace and spiritual unity with others may be more easily reached today, and this is also an excellent day for all artistic endeavors, as Kawoq tends to nurture creative energy. In addition to being the sign of the Divine Feminine, Kawoq is most especially a day sign of “women and healers,” of herbalists, midwives, etc. The powerful positive energy of 4 makes this an excellent day to seek or to give healing, to begin new diets and new health regimes.