There are several manifestations of Feathered Serpent in the tzolk’in. The day sign Aj (Yucatec Ben and Nahuatl Acatl) is associated with the historical Toltec sage. Kan (Chicchan) is associated with Feathered Serpent as pure energy, the koyopa. Iq’ (Ik) is associated with Feathered Serpent in his manifestation as the god of the wind. And it is as the god of the wind that he appears in the creation scene at the beginning of the Mayan epic, the Popol Vuh.
Interestingly enough, there is an inscription in one of the temples on the Upper Acropolis at Palenque which states that Feathered Serpent as God of the Wind was born on the day 9Iq’.This is one of the most creative of all possible days. Extend yourself to your limits.