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© 2019, My Mayan Sign

Your Birthday

Your Day Sign


Ik (Yucatan) / Iq (Kiche) 
Personality:  Talkative, mental, agile, intelligent and versatile. Idealistic and romantic. Fashion conscious or artist.

Imagination, inspiration, messages, and communication are the key concepts in the life of a Wind. As the wind carries the voice in the air, you tend to voice your thoughts. You must give a message to humanity, which you have not fully figured out yet. You have a lot to share, so you almost feel obliged to continue communicating through talking, writing, or social media. Since you are very talented in communications, you can succeed in this line of business. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to constantly improve how you deliver your messages and get some training and education on it [...]

You like to create art and beauty and have a strong sense of aesthetics. You can also become a successful fiction writer but be careful not to lose touch with reality. You have a high level of imagination. Writing - especially writing children’s books - is something you can think of as a career. On the other hand, pay attention to differentiating between what is real and what is your imagination [...]

Try not to waste your breath and take good care of your lungs. Smoking is not a good idea for you. Going into breathwork and using it as a tool of personal transformation will work out very well for you [...]

You are unpredictable as the wind and have a hyperactive nature. You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can handle sudden changes. Nevertheless, because of your capacity to make quick changes, people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle.

“The winds of change” may bring too many changes in your life and overwhelm you. You might be feeling that your life is dominated by turbulence and chaos. Sometimes life is indeed really hard for Wind people in this sense. You may feel rootless, often moving from one place to another, shifting jobs, careers, or changing houses. However, remember that this is the Wind sign’s energy, trying to guide you into your life mission. Try to see the meaning in something that seems chaotic, the harmony in disharmony [...]

Challenge: Responsibilities and fears associated with it, indecision, not being able to commit.
Remedy: Education and learning how to communicate better.

Appropriate professions: Philosopher, mathematician, artist, musician.
Signs you get along with: Wind, Road, Earth and Deer
Signs that contribute to your growth: Wind, Jaguar, Knife, Death and the Dog

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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There are 20 Mayan signs, changing daily. The day you were born determines your Day Sign. It shows your typical attributes, your most dominant characteristics.

You have eight more signs surrounding the Day sign, each explaining a different aspect of your life. It is called a Tree of Life and consists of three columns and three lines.

The central column signs in the center make up the core of your being. They guide you, support and inspire you on your journey throughout life.

The female column signs influence your private life and intimate relationships. Not just the romantic relationships but also the family ties and relationships with the significant others.

The male signs influence your job, career, your power relationships. How you interact with the world and what you serve to the society at large.

There are three main stages in your life: Youth, Adolescent, and Maturity.

Which of these signs will influence you the most depend on your age. The dominant sign at each of the columns will change over the years.

You also have a Galactic Tone and a Trecena Sign, which are complementary to your Day Sign.

To see the complete picture, you can get a Detailed Report describing all of the nine signs on your Mayan Tree of Life.

Your Tone



* Connection to others
* Soft blanket
* Comforting
* Direct connection
* Perspective
* Patience
* Remaining strong

From 1 to 13 is a long journey of evolution, and at the station of Tone 9, we find the power of patience. It is almost at the 70% mark of the journey, where most marathon runners need to go through a particular shift in their minds to keep up the hard work.

Tone 9 brings you a broad perspective on life and issues. Therefore, you know how to be patient. Thanks to this energy, you maturely own your power. The 9-point allows for plans and projects to come into the last completion stage.

Your Trecana Sign


Ix (Yucatan) / I'x (Kiche)
Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Aggressive but avoids confrontation. Interested in spirituality or religion.

Jaguar is strongly connected with Mother Earth and its aspects, including magic. It is the god/goddess of gratitude. Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon by Mayans for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. Its energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains, and forests. You may direct your love for nature and work hard for the good of the environment. You are a good fit for taking care of the ecology, soil, forests, or endangered species.

According to the Mayans, Jaguar is an animal with a strong night vision. It can see things that other animals cannot see. Likewise, Jaguar people can see things that others do not. You tend to have strong psychic and shamanic abilities. These can manifest as a strong intuition or a functional capacity for healing [...]

A child born on the day of the Jaguar is expected to be a Shaman or a day keeper. Mayans would raise a Jaguar child with this awareness and prepare them for such a position in society. As a Jaguar, you have a tendency to be religious or spiritual. You are born with a deep love for our planet Earth, and this type of spirituality is perhaps what you are most drawn towards. Native American traditions would be fascinating for you.

You have an immense potential to guide people around you. You might find yourself in such positions, at least among your colleagues, as a mentor, coach, or consultant [...]

The messages you give to people contain some mystery. Conflict and arguments are not suitable for you. This also means that relationships are a complex subject. If your capacity to be a spiritual guide is neglected in your relationships, it may create some problems [...]

Challenge: Confusing and complex relationships
Remedy: Developing counseling skills

Appropriate professions: Philosopher, mathematician.

Signs you get along with: Jaguar, Storm, Seed and Water
Signs that contribute to your growth: Jaguar, Knife, Wind, Death and Dog.

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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