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© 2019, My Mayan Sign

Your Birthday

Your Day Sign


Akbal (Yucatan) / Aq'ab'al (Kiche) 
Personality: Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful, and conservative. Durable, reflective

The Night is the sign of mystery, journey into the unknown, and revelation of the true self. Since the night’s expression naturally reminds us of its opposite, the day, this sign also is a sign of duality and extremes. Sometimes nothing seems to be happening in your life, and at other times you feel overwhelmed because everything is happening all at once. You like to live life on the edge [...]

For Mayas, the duality of day and night is crystallized at the moment of dawn. Therefore this sign is sometimes called Dawn, as well. You enjoy following the development of new technologies. Things dawn on you, and you are in tune with the “dawn of civilization” on a daily basis. You like to follow and use whatever tools, devices, or trends are flourishing in contemporary culture and stay updated.

You like to keep a fresh mind. You get along well with young people and children. It is almost confirmed that you stay young forever. You have a flexible and robust reason. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance make you very attractive [...]

Every new day and every new dawn brings unique opportunities. An abundance of options exists in your life. These can be a blessing and curse if you do not know what you want and which direction to go. To be able to give you a remedy to this, I need to touch upon a deeper meaning of this sign [...]

Night is also a very romantic sign, as seen by the Mayans. In their social life, Night is perceived as being very flirtatious. Love can be the biggest obstacle that you stumble upon. You are a charming and passionate lover and tend to look for a perfect partner. Your desire to seek the ideal partner can become an obsession, which may prevent you from seeing the right partner for you. Or, you can easily fall for the wrong person if you don’t make a serious effort to find “the” partner to be settled with. As a remedy, you need to keep moving on your spiritual path [...] When you find confidence in yourself, you will naturally make better choices. It is how you will evaluate the attractive opportunities knocking on your door and pick the right ones for yourself. Beware of your weaknesses, avoid arrogance and always be honest with yourself to achieve success in your relationships [...]

Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.
Remedy: To build systems and search for the basis of everything.

Appropriate professions: Doctor, physiotherapist, writer [...]
Signs you get along with: Night, Cane, Knife and Rabbit
Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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There are 20 Mayan signs, changing daily. The day you were born determines your Day Sign. It shows your typical attributes, your most dominant characteristics.

You have eight more signs surrounding the Day sign, each explaining a different aspect of your life. It is called a Tree of Life and consists of three columns and three lines.

The central column signs in the center make up the core of your being. They guide you, support and inspire you on your journey throughout life.

The female column signs influence your private life and intimate relationships. Not just the romantic relationships but also the family ties and relationships with the significant others.

The male signs influence your job, career, your power relationships. How you interact with the world and what you serve to the society at large.

There are three main stages in your life: Youth, Adolescent, and Maturity.

Which of these signs will influence you the most depend on your age. The dominant sign at each of the columns will change over the years.

You also have a Galactic Tone and a Trecena Sign, which are complementary to your Day Sign.

To see the complete picture, you can get a Detailed Report describing all of the nine signs on your Mayan Tree of Life.

Your Tone




Tone 11 is identified by change and sometimes too much of it. Change must occur for new ideas to give fruit. Tone 10 is about the materialization of what was once a dream. However, evolution has not yet come to perfection. Your purpose is to bring change and resolution, opening up new space for the evolution to continue [...]

Your Trecana Sign


Ben (Yucatan) / Aj (Kiche)
Personality: Popular, knowledgeable, successful, and talented. A person who fights for principles. Responds to all challenges.

The Mayans define the Cane sign as the trunk of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a central symbol in Mayan mythology and cosmology. Cane people stand firm and strong like a thousand years old trees. You have a strong character with unshakeable confidence. Which comes with the experience of knowing oneself. You own your personal power. Hardships of life make you stronger, and you grow thanks to them. All mistakes and defeats are simply lessons for you. While your outlook is tough, you have a healing, compassionate heart.

Your striking qualities are your strong principles, a desire for excellence, inner strength, logic, and leadership. Also, you are intelligent, brave, and productive. You are a pioneer who likes to take risks. You want to educate yourself in the best way possible, or you were blessed to have the means for it, thanks to your family.

You are the spiritual essence, protector, and guiding light of the home and family. Being courageous and selfless, you demonstrate a typical fatherly figure. With strong leadership qualities, you carry a mission to direct the community you live in in new directions. You may be an important figure in your community and a good parent. You wish to have many children. This role of being a parent also includes large families. Even if you may not have children, you tend to take on a parenthood role in your social circles.

As the trunk of a big tree is large and strong, it has a weak point. You most often lack flexibility with your views and attitudes towards people. Although you are armed with all these remarkable qualities, no fruits will be served if no one can reach your branches [...]

You can create problems at work and in marriage life. Your high expectations and wanting to be recognized all the time will usually be sources of conflict and disharmony. This attitude may break your relationships over time. You may not realize how you hurt other people by ignoring their fragilities when you go into a bossy mood. Remember, like an inflexible cane will break with the conflicting forces, you will. Maybe you do not feel so fragile [...]

Challenge: To overcome being stubborn, authoritarian, and bossy
Remedy: Learn about human nature.
Appropriate professions: artist, consultant, educator.

Signs you get along with: Cane, Knife, Night and Rabbit
Signs that contribute to your growth: Cane, Earth, Crocodile, Serpent, and Water

Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your businessrelationships, and spiritual growth.

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