© 2019, My Mayan Sign

Paradigm Shifts in the Age of Polarity (Part 1) – Maya Time, Space and Energy

Paradigm Shift - Part 1

As we continue to go through global energy shifts, our contributing writer Jacques shares this thought-provoking two-part series on Paradigm Shifts in the Age of Polarity. In this series, he illustrates the important influence of Maya katun energy shifts – how they influencer human consciousness and behavior; and how each katun embodies a Spirit of … Read more

Mayan Jaguar Time: It happens to the best of us

Mayan Jaguar Time - It happens to the best of us

Here is Part 12 of Mayan Jaguar Time. In this series, Belit shares more about her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign. You’ll find links to all previous articles at the end of this page. It happens to the best of us. It happens to all of us at some point and time. … Read more

Concession to Conquer the Yucatan: Incomprehensible Languages (Part 1)

Here is Part 1 of a fantastic 5-part series by our contributing writer Michal Pawlus, describing in more detail the concession to conquer the Maya Yucatan. You can find the full series linked below. Concession to Conquer the Yucatan: Incomprehensible Languages (Part 1) Antonio de Ciudad Real wrote in 1588 that when reaching Yucatan they … Read more

Mayan Jaguar Time: This is who we are

Mayan Jaguar Time - This is who we are

Here is Part 11 of Mayan Jaguar Time. In this series, Belit shares more about her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign. You’ll find links to all previous articles at the end of this page. Who we are. Jaguars. We are the dark and the light. We are the Sun and the Moon. We are … Read more