© 2019, My Mayan Sign

From Pyramids to Glyphs: Students’ In-Depth Study of Maya History

Maya Pyramid

The ancient Maya civilization is a subject that never fails to captivate. It’s a story rich with innovation, mystery, and grandeur, offering a window into a world that thrived in Mesoamerica thousands of years ago. From towering pyramids to intricate glyphs, the Maya left behind a legacy that continues to fascinate historians, archaeologists, and students … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Spiritual Significance of Color Energy

Spiritual Significance

Colors surround us in every aspect of life, but beyond their aesthetic appeal lies a deeper spiritual significance. From the vibrant red of passion to the calming blue of serenity, each hue carries its energy and symbolism that can influence our emotions, behaviors, and spiritual experiences. Color Energy by Day In the morning, vibrant hues … Read more

Bridge The Gap Between Academic and Social and Emotional Student Needs

Academic and Social and Emotional Student Needs

In today’s world, education plays a pivotal role not only in imparting knowledge but also in fostering personal development and preparing individuals for the complexities of life. A holistic approach to education that integrates academic excellence with personal growth is essential for nurturing well-rounded, resilient, and empathetic individuals. This document explores the significance of integrating … Read more

8 Tips for Navigating Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life Journey

Do you ever feel like the world is against you and no matter how hard you try, there’s always something holding you back from achieving your goals? It’s a feeling we all share—the experience of facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles mixed with self-doubt that can threaten to undermine our motivation. It doesn’t have to be this … Read more

Navigating the Greatest Shift (Part 2)

Greatest Shift Part 2

Here is Part 2 of a two-part series by our contributing writer Jean-Jacques exploring the current energy shifts going on in the world. If you’d like to start from the beginning, read Part 1: Navigating the Greatest Shift first. Navigating the Greatest Shift: 2022 to 2032 (Part 2) – Creating Structure Through Consciousness Oneness and … Read more

Navigating the Greatest Shift (Part 1)

Greatest Shift Part 1

Here is Part 1 of a two-part series by our contributing writer Jean-Jacques exploring the current energy shifts going on in the world. Navigating the Greatest Shift: 2022 to 2032 (Part 1) – Raising Consciousness Through Truth We will be witnesses to the confrontation of the Negative and Positive forces, the eternal fight among polarity, … Read more

Mayan Jaguar Time: The Power of Silence (Part 2)

Mayan Jaguar Time 14

Here is Part 14 of Mayan Jaguar Time. In this series, Belit shares more about her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign. You’ll find links to all previous articles at the end of this page. Last month we spoke about the power of silence. You can read The Power of Silence Part 1 … Read more

Mayan Jaguar Time: The Power of Silence (Part I)

Mayan Jaguar Time 13

Here is Part 13 of Mayan Jaguar Time. In this series, Belit shares more about her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign. You’ll find links to all previous articles at the end of this page. Silence is an ocean.Speech is a river. Silence is a source of great strength. Lao Tzu Jaguar is … Read more

Book Review: The Mayan Codex

The Mayan Codex

For all of its fascinating history, Mayan culture has produced relatively little in the way of modern pop culture, literature, or entertainment. Nearly eight years ago, however, novelist Mario Reading published a book titled The Mayan Codex –– a rare fictional foray into the histories and cultures of ancient Central America. In the real world, the notion … Read more

Paradigm Shifts in the Age of Polarity (Part 2) – Exploring Paradigm Shift Time Frames

Paradigm Shift - Part 2

As we continue to go through global energy shifts, our contributing writer Jacques shares this thought-provoking two-part series on Paradigm Shifts in the Age of Polarity. In this series, he illustrates the important influence of Maya katun energy shifts – how they influencer human consciousness and behavior; and how each katun embodies a Spirit of … Read more