One of the first questions pregnant women are asked is “are you having a boy or a girl?”. I know that’s probably the first thing I’ve asked my friends when they’ve revealed that they’re pregnant. And so, it’s interesting to learn more about the Mayan Gender Chart.
Disclaimer: We don’t use a Mayan Gender Chart on this website and aren’t experts on this specific topic. If you do try it out, we do not claim any responsibility for results 🙂
What is a Mayan Gender Chart?
A Mayan Gender Chart refers to a Gender Prediction Calendar that a tribe of ancient Mayans developed. This was basically a method of predicting the gender of an unborn child.
For a long time, people have been looking for ways to predict the gender of the unborn. It’s not surprising, as it must spark curiosity. I’m sure that if I were to be pregnant, I too would naturally wonder if I was having a boy or a girl.
A highly intelligent civilization
While I’m personally not into predictions as such, I find this Mayan Gender Chart intriguing.
The Mayans are considered to be one of the most intelligent and advanced civilizations. They were made up of advanced mathematicians, astronomers, and scientists. In a sense, they were pioneers.
Some examples include their incredible architecture, with Maya pyramids build thousands of years ago. Not only were they ornate, but they were also engineering masterpieces for their time.
They also had highly intelligent architects and astronomers who designed buildings that aligned with astronomical events – A great example is El Caracol, which is a well-known ancient Maya observatory that aligns with the sun’s position during the summer solstice sunrise and the winter solstice sunset.
So these were intelligent people who put a lot of thought into what they did. They also often through with mathematical brains, giving their work even more grounding substance.
And so, when hearing about a Mayan Gender Prediction Chart, it certainly sparks curiosity!
How does a Mayan Gender Chart work?
The Mayan Gender Chart supposedly predicts the child’s gender based on the mother’s age and month of conceiving.
This method is based on numbers. And this comes as no surprise, being that the Mayans were advanced mathematicians.
While doing research, I found an example of this Mayan Gender Prediction chart by the Gender Experts:

You can see that it’s very easy to use.
You simply find the mother’s age in the left column and the month of conception in the top row. This will give you the gender prediction of the unborn child.
Even and Odd Numbers
Something interesting to note is that there is an importance placed on even and odd numbers.
As mentioned above, the 2 numbers considered are the age of the mother during conception, and the month during conception.
Both numbers are even: It’s a girl!
Both numbers are odd: It’s a girl!
One number is even and one is odd: It’s a boy!
For example: If a woman is 20 years old (even number) and conceives in March (odd number), then the prediction is a boy. But, if the woman is 20 years old (even number) and conceives in February (even number), then the prediction is a girl.
Looking at the charts, there are a few exceptions though. While most correlate to the even-odd numbers rule, some cases don’t.
For example: Using the chart above, if a woman is 23 (odd number) and conceives in September (odd number 9), with both numbers being odd, this would predict a girl. However, the chart shows a boy.
So if you’d like to try it out, check out the chart first.
Is the Mayan Prediction Chart Authentic and Accurate?
Whether this chart is the real deal is up for debate.
Upon doing research you get varying results. While some find it quite accurate, others see it as something born more out of an old wive’s tale or urban legend.
If you’re knowledgeable about the Maya, you’ll know that their calendar system is made up of multiple calendars which are quite complex and sacred. And when looking at this Mayan Gender Chart, it does make me question why they’d put the focus on the Gregorian calendar system (solar calendar with 12 months), instead of connecting it more to their specific cycles… but hey, that could just be me.
If you’re knowledgeable about the Maya, what are your thoughts on the Mayan Gender Chart? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
In terms of accuracy, most reviews online say it’s about 50% accurate. Some say more, some say less.
Regardless of the stats and details of how it came about, it definitely sparks curiosity. And it’s a fun chart to use if you’re wondering what gender your unborn child is.
For fun, I tested it on a dear friend who is 6 months pregnant. She was 34 years old when she conceived, and she conceived her child in the month of June. And so, the chart predicts her child to be a boy. And hooray, that is exactly what it is!
Do you know someone who is pregnant? If so, try using this chart of them and see if it works, and share in the comments!
Other Prediction Charts
For a long time, people have been looking at methods of predicting the gender of an unborn child. And there are countless methods to try if you’re interested.
Every kind of test you can imagine
If you do a search online, you’ll discover all kinds of prediction tests. Many are based on folklore and old wives’ tales, while others carry more depth.
Just to illustrate the variety I found online, here are some of the prediction methods I found:
The ‘legs test‘ where it predicts that you’re having a boy if you gain weight on your legs. Then there is the ‘bump test‘ where it predicts you’re having a boy if you’re carrying your baby lower down. Then there is the ‘Swedish hair test‘ that predicts that you’re having a boy if your hair gets thicker and fuller, and you’re having a girl if it gets thinner and stringier. There is even the ‘cravings test’ where sweet cravings predict a girl, while salty and sour cravings predict a boy.
While there are many tests, a couple of interesting ones that seem to carry more weight include the Chinese Prediction Chart, the Dr. Jonas Method, and the Shettles Method.
Dr. Jonas Method
This method is mainly used for parents wanting to plan what gender child they have.
It basically focuses on the timing of intercourse during a women’s fertility cycle as a big factor in determining a child’s gender. This method also connects with the lunar cycles.
Our method teaches that there are some days in woman’s fertility cycle where she can conceive a BOY only and days where only a GIRL can be conceived.
Dr Jonas Method
These days depend on the accuracy and the completeness of the mother-to-be’s data and are completely individualized. We can pinpoint her highly fertile days for BOY or for GIRL conception not only for the next pregnancy but also for the next TWO pregnancies or more. This allows couples without children to plan their TWO future children’s gender in advance.
With this method, a personalized calendar is prepared for you, showing the gender of the baby on specific days. They will then ask you to choose the highly fertile days of the gender you desire. From there, you’d plan to conceive the day before.
There are more details to this method which you can read more about here.
Chinese Prediction Chart
The Chinese also developed a gender prediction chart.
To use this prediction chart, similar to the Mayan Gender Chart, you also use the month of conception and your age at conception to reveal the results.
However, unlike the Mayan chart, the Chinese chart focuses on the Lunar cycles. However, even though it is a lunar calendar system, it also apparently draws on other aspects like the five elements.
As you can see, it’s just as easy to use as the Mayan Gender Chart.
And if you’re expecting a baby, it could be fun comparing your results using the Chinese Gender Chart vs the Mayan Gender Chart above.
Shettles Method
The Shettles Method is another more complex method of predicting or planning gender.
This gets into specifics, like the sex position and intercourse timing. With this method the details are important.
Both the Dr. Jonas method and Shettles Method are used more to pre-plan the gender of a child, as opposed to predicting what the gender of your already conceived baby is.
With the Shettles method, it seems that timing is everything. And if you’re interested in learning more about this method you can visit this page.
Boy or Girl, which will it be?
I hope you’ve found this article interesting.
And if you or someone you know is pregnant, and you’re wondering what your baby’s gender may be, try out the Mayan Gender Chart. I’d love to know what your results are in the comments below!
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