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Mayan Jaguar Time: The First Step

Belit - September 18, 2020 - 0 comments

Mayan Jaguar Time: The First Step

Here is Part 3 of Mayan Jaguar Time. In this series, Belit shares her discoveries as she explores her Mayan Jaguar Sign.

If you’d like to start from the beginning, you can jump to Part 1: Looking for Answers and then Part 2: The Search Begins.

Making the First Move

Wow! This was my first thought after the initial discovery of my Day Sign, my Galactic Tone and my Trecena Ruler.

First of all, I absolutely love My Mayan Sign and their website. The information is so on point. Next, the ability to get three different levels of readings is definitely a plus for those who want to go further in their experience and life journey.

I made the choice to get a detailed reading. I wanted to know everything I could about myself and the energies that are shaping my experience as I walk on this planet through my journey.

The detailed reading is a great tool in that it explains each aspect of the Mayan sign chart.

It explains the cycles of time that we go through. Through the detailed reading, we get an understanding of the life cycles, the masculine, feminine and centre energies of life, and the tones of each sign throughout the rows and columns of our chart. This reading also includes a synthesis and the night lord of your chart.

Baby Steps

After going through the basics of my chart and gaining an understanding, I next searched out the synthesis portion to learn more about my jaguar energy.

My synthesis stated that:

Jaguar needs to be patient, especially in love relationships, because they may become sceptical, rigorous and obsessive.

That whatever Jaguar plants will produce fruit.

Jaguar likes to be withdrawn and has difficulties being social.

This sign carries the spirit of the shaman.

Jaguar may go through transformations and illnesses if they cannot adapt to situations.

Jaguar needs to listen to intuition to reverse situations and make transformations happen.

In relationships with Jaguar, peers of the same sex may be jealous and Jaguar should form an alliance with someone of the opposite sex who understands them better.

Jaguar may have issues with expressing themselves

Accepting the Real

In reading the synthesis of my chart, looking for clues on energies at play, the interactions and takeaways are completely on point.

In my younger days, I definitely struggled with patience. To the point where I would have to consciously make an effort to be patient with others, but more so, with myself.

In fact, all of the synthesis points were accurate. But, the ones that stood out to me especially, as I still experience many of them to this day are:

Being withdrawn and having difficulties being social. Going through many transformations and having to be able to adapt. The absolute necessity of listening to intuition and being able to express myself.

It has been a trying road for me. Learning these points or actually reaffirming the validity of these points was a tremendous relief on one side, and also showed me where I need to grow and expand.

Going Deeper

After getting this far, I realized that I should go even further in my studies and schedule an online private session to go over my detailed report. I wanted to learn even more about myself and what the most important challenges I should focus on to get the best out of my time here.

See you next time on Jaguar Time…

Are you a Mayan Jaguar?
If so, share some of your discoveries in the comments below. 

Belit - Contributing Writer at My Mayan Sign

Do you know your Mayan Sign? Get your free report.

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I am Belit. Jaguar, galactic tone: 7, trecena: rabbit; mother, wife, dancer, musician, sacred ancient healer, seeker of esoteric truths and wisdom, nature lover, linguist, arts enthusiast, martial artist, one who listens, loyal and real... Visit My Website Here

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