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© 2019, My Mayan Sign

Remembering Your Mayan Signs

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Crocodile is the first of the 20-signs cycle in the Yucatan Maya system. Therefore it is very much related to beginnings and birthing. Mayans say the Crocodile sign resonates with the primordial waters and the primitive reptilian mind. In yogic terms, this means a strong connection with the Muladhara (the root) chakra, a lot of vitality, and physical power. Fertility and the capacity to give birth are attributed to a strong root chakra. So, if you are a woman, you are drawn to giving birth, maybe even at a young age. If you are a man, you have a calling to be a parent.

The energy of Crocodile is wild and raw, just like the animal it is symbolized. This energy is mostly in its pure form, probably not tamed at all. On the level of the mind, it can manifest as an irrational force. Purely instinctive and sometimes even a little bit crazy. Your friends might define you as an unusual and even a strange person.

The intuitive and wild qualities of any mother of any animal kind, including us humans, are the significant aspects of Crocodile. These aspects are more evident in you, especially if you are a woman, and even more valid if you are a mother. Living like a Crocodile means channeling the motherly feelings, giving birth, and nurturing. As a mother protects her offspring, you get protective and dominant.

Even if being instinctive is not praised in our culture, it has some benefits. Gut feeling or intuition might be life-improving, if not life-saving, at other times. For it to function correctly, you need to learn how to trust your feelings.

You have a strong personality. Most noticeably, you can understand people very deeply. The Crocodile is an amphibian animal, mostly living in the waters. Let’s take water as a metaphor for consciousness. You can go dive into the unconscious mind (dive under the water) and also be in touch with the conscious mind (walk on the ground) or be an intermediary between the two (swim on the surface). For this reason, you are interested in psychology as you desire to understand the mind.

You have a solid capacity to dive into your subconscious and your psyche and bring out the gems into the daylight. For example, your dreams can be very lucid, and you might be receiving some guidance through them. Pay more attention to your goals and keep a dream journal if you want to bring more wisdom into your life. If you also have the Reed sign on your Tree of Life with its rational and organized mind, you can become a good psychologist or counselor.

You have a close relationship with the community you live with. You can reflect all the values your community carries. Your awareness of the collective human consciousness makes you successful in visual arts. You can be successful in popular investments such as technology and art. I would say this is the sign of famous directors. Walt Disney, who captured the psyche of the masses, is a 5 Crocodile. Orson Wells is a 4 Crocodile, Frederico Fellini is an 8 Crocodile, and Darren Aronofsky has his Trecena Sign as Crocodile.

Due to your mysterious and warm-hearted character, you may have many love relationships. You have a sensitive nature; therefore, you tend to protect yourself by being a private person. Nevertheless, your relationships will be passionate and even a bit crazy. Having wild love stories that’s your thing! You like to experience the excitement.

Even though you use your mind well, you sometimes act with a strong drive from the subconscious. You tend to live in the extremes. It may be easy to collect your mind together, but it is also easy to lose it. You may have glimpses of insanity if the immense power within you meets influences from your subconsciousness. When you have difficulties being organized, you must direct your energy toward practical and collective things to accomplish productive results. An excellent example of this could be achieving a work-life balance by focusing more on home and family. This will help you avoid all extremes. 

To overcome the challenges coming from this sign, focus on your heart. Try to see the people and situations from your heart. When you direct your inner strength this way, you will be attuned to unconditional love and lead a more harmonious life. 

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Imagination, inspiration, messages, and communication are the key concepts in the life of a Wind. As the wind carries the voice in the air, you tend to voice your thoughts. You must give a message to humanity, which you have not fully figured out yet. You have a lot to share, so you almost feel obliged to continue communicating through talking, writing, or social media. Since you are very talented in communications, you can succeed in this line of business. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to constantly improve how you deliver your messages and get some training and education on it.

Being the Spirit and breath of life, the Wind blows life into the matter and brings new awareness to the world. Your character is spiritual by nature. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. You can hold long inspirational, spiritual speeches enthusiastically. But remember, you are responsible for the authenticity of the spiritual messages you share. This is even more important in today’s world, where misinformation and “fake news” have become tools of mass manipulation.

You like to create art and beauty and have a strong sense of aesthetics. You can also become a successful fiction writer but be careful not to lose touch with reality. You have a high level of imagination. Writing – especially writing children’s books – is something you can think of as a career. On the other hand, pay attention to differentiating between what is real and what is your imagination.

The Wind gives us life and keeps us alive (called “prana” in India), symbolized by life’s essence. According to the Mayan belief, the Wind is the breath of God. You carry such a vital aspect of the divine power within you. You have a creative inspiration and a powerful life force with unlimited and abundant energy. However, suppose you think you are the source of this power. In that case, you might create typhoons and hurricanes, which are the destructive manifestations of this power. It can be seen in your sudden bursts of anger. Being angry is a sign that you are acting from your ego. Lucius Annaeus Seneca has said, “Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.” These words are sound wisdom to remember. Learn how to surrender. As long as the breath you carry is divine and not coming from ego, you will blow like a sweet and pleasant summer breeze.

Your extreme imagination and ideas keep your feet off the ground. This is great, but sometimes you might be a bit of an “airhead.” Connect more with reality by grounding yourself, walking in nature, and eating heavy (but healthy) food.

Also, it would be helpful to learn how to be tranquil, centered, and balanced in irritating life situations. In these moments, focus on your breath and just be aware of how the breath enters your body and leaves it. This is the super helpful, age-old Anapana meditation.

Try not to waste your breath and take good care of your lungs. Smoking is not a good idea for you. Going into breathwork and using it as a tool of personal transformation will work out very well for you.

You are unpredictable as the wind and have a hyperactive nature. You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can handle sudden changes. Nevertheless, because of your capacity to make quick changes, people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle.

“The winds of change” may bring too many changes in your life and overwhelm you. You might be feeling that your life is dominated by turbulence and chaos. Sometimes life is indeed really hard for Wind people in this sense. You may feel rootless, often moving from one place to another, shifting jobs, careers, or changing houses. However, remember that this is the Wind sign’s energy, trying to guide you into your life mission. Try to see the meaning in something that seems chaotic, the harmony in disharmony.

The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion, and cultural change. Because there is excessive change, there can be frequent chaos and confusion in your life, but much can be learned from it. You might be affected a lot by the moon. I advise you to be watchful of your moods in relation to the moon cycles. Increase your awareness in this direction; it will be beneficial in understanding yourself. Keep a moon phase journal and observe diligently how you react to different phases of the moon. At least start developing awareness of how you feel on the full moon and new moon days.

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The Night is the sign of mystery, journey into the unknown, and revelation of the true self. Since the night’s expression naturally reminds us of its opposite, the day, this sign also is a sign of duality and extremes. Sometimes nothing seems to be happening in your life, and at other times you feel overwhelmed because everything is happening all at once. You like to live life on the edge.

For Mayas, the duality of day and night is crystallized at the moment of dawn. Therefore this sign is sometimes called Dawn, as well. You enjoy following the development of new technologies. Things dawn on you, and you are in tune with the “dawn of civilization” on a daily basis. You like to follow and use whatever tools, devices, or trends are flourishing in contemporary culture and stay updated.

You like to keep a fresh mind. You get along well with young people and children. It is almost confirmed that you stay young forever. You have a flexible and robust reason. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance make you very attractive.

Every new day and every new dawn brings unique opportunities. An abundance of options exists in your life. These can be a blessing and curse if you do not know what you want and which direction to go. To be able to give you a remedy to this, I need to touch upon a deeper meaning of this sign.

Another name for this sign is House. The beauty and comfort of your house are a high priority for you. Sometimes this can show up in your attitude to decorate it in the most beautiful way possible. However, the same emotions are also responsible for making you almost obsessed with the feeling of security.

In one of the Mayan legends, the Hero Twins go on a journey to search for enlightenment. Just about the time when the night falls, they arrive at an empty house. Since they are on a demanding trip, they decide to rest and sleep in this house. When they wake up in the morning, they feel an elevation of their awareness. Sleeping in this house gave them an inevitable awakening, and they continued their journey in a more enlightened state. The Night or House symbolically tells us that the Twins found a sense of security in the unknown, leading them to higher consciousness. Like these twins, you have a nature of searching for the unknown and association with mysticism. You are bound to lead an extraordinary life when you find your spiritual habitat. It is the right feeling to feel at home and secure. Life at home and family is essential for you.

On the negative side, you might get stuck with the feeling of security in too much material sense. Or getting stuck in the comfort zones and do not dare to take risks. It is the biggest pitfall for a Night sign person. To look for security in the worldly plane, instead of looking for it on the spiritual plane, your actual “Home.” It might even put you in a state of paranoia where you worry too much about survival and financial security. Suppose you are a Night person and you experience theft or burglary. In that case, this might indicate that you were looking for safety in the wrong place. Maybe now is the time to find your true Home. Your inner voice has always told you to go on this lifetime journey. Go and explore the darkness, explore the unknown. Allow yourself to enter the void in yourself, and never let your curiosity stop you from discovering. Remember, you are given wisdom and power to succeed on this spiritual journey. Whatever you need is within you, maybe just waiting to be explored. And in the end, you find the true feeling of security, which cannot be taken away.

When you find your “spiritual home” and settle in it, meaning your higher self, your true essence, you will act with complete confidence in life. You will make the right choices spontaneously. Confusion will cease, and you will also use the right opportunities. It is how the abundance of options I previously mentioned can be truly valuable for you.

Night is also a very romantic sign, as seen by the Mayans. In their social life, Night is perceived as being very flirtatious. Love can be the biggest obstacle that you stumble upon. You are a charming and passionate lover and tend to look for a perfect partner. Your desire to seek the ideal partner can become an obsession, which may prevent you from seeing the right partner for you. Or, you can easily fall for the wrong person if you don’t make a serious effort to find “the” partner to be settled with. As a remedy, you need to keep moving on your spiritual path… When you find confidence in yourself, you will naturally make better choices. It is how you will evaluate the attractive opportunities knocking on your door and pick the right ones for yourself. Beware of your weaknesses, avoid arrogance and always be honest with yourself to achieve success in your relationships.

Night is known as having the perfect balance of the wisdom of the “Feminine” (Yin) and “Masculine” (Yang). You are highly artistic and intuitive and can develop your psychic abilities. You have the potential to be a good Shaman, a holistic healer, or a poet. The journey into the dark unknown territories naturally brings you a lot of inspiration and original ways to express yourself.

You have a benevolent, charming, and respected character. You like to start every day with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life.” Your life’s purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity. It would be best to eliminate all doubt, insecurity, and fears formed by the obscurity of your subconscious mind. Increasing your awareness will help you release false information, allowing you to see through all illusions. During this cleansing and clearing time, it is essential to pay attention to the messages and signs. You may receive guidance through your dreams that will bring you peace and happiness.

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The Seed represents abundance, sexuality, the potential and the question of awakening it, and last but not least, the sense of ego. Your life is mostly rolling around these themes. Also, your mind is abundant with thoughts, and you like to spread seeds of consciousness, whether they fall on fertile soil. Maybe it is a good idea to choose the ground wisely for your seeds. It is not because you will fall short of sources, but rather avoid unnecessary opposition, which might unnecessarily consume your energy.

You are organized, energetic, and dynamic. Your work revolves around performing, and your career will develop better when you actively spend your vital energy on it. You like to sweat rather than sit at a table all day long.

Family, sexuality, and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally, have good health, and carry the energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on a Seed day will be wealthy and wise. “Good luck” will come to you when you live a life of purpose. If you direct your life force towards a business or an art form of your choice, you will become a master of it, get riches and live with wisdom. Nevertheless, there are potential pitfalls, which I will explain shortly.

Sometimes you may feel like trying to liberate yourself and others from the past’s karmic debt and overwhelming patterns, just like someone who is hunted by a net or feeling the surrounding limitations. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its tail. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you. But remember, these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful.

Another typical concept that keeps coming into the life of a Seed is “problem.” You might find yourself problem-solving almost all of the time. Partly yours and partly your loved ones, or even the larger group of people you live together with. One main concern is finance. Perhaps your life goes between the accumulation of debts and times of wealth… up and down… up and down…

Do not worry, as there is a way out of these patterns. It starts with being aware of your ego and also your desires.

One of the names given to this sign is “The Net.” Whatever you want in your life can come in many numbers. Just like a fish net, you can collect many things at once. A lot of business ideas, information, people in your network, partners, tools, you name it. But is this a blessing or a curse?

The net of abundance sometimes turns into its opposite: a web of traps. That extra something might be creating problems for you. If you hold on to all the options you collected, even if you do not need them, they can make your weight heavy. The same things that brought you clarity will lead to confusion. Same valuable items in your baggage that once brought riches can now bring you debt, and the abundance will be lost.

Just realize those traps that you set for yourself. Be aware of anything that comes with your ego, which is holding you back or putting you down. If you have accumulated a lot of anything out of fear or out of a scarcity mindset, let go.

Less is more. Always choose simplicity to complexity, minimalism to maximalism. Let go of extra food in your fridge, spare clothes you’re not using, and let go of superfluous people in your network that you’re keeping, just in case.

Also, let go of the extra options. Get rid of Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D, and focus on what matters most. Periodically clean the unnecessary things in your life; again, this can be habits, people on your contact list, or items in your house. Let go of everything you don’t need but keep it in your spider web; cut them off. You will feel freer. You will feel lighter, and you can move forward.

By the way, remember the seeds you planted? You must water them and show the necessary attention. In one sense, you are like the seed; you carry great potential, but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. You must constantly be aware of your potential and make an effort to reveal them. This also means that you should carry a sense of individuality and allow yourself to be in the spotlight.

On the other side of the coin, the ego is waiting for its turn to create more problems. However, there is a way out of all this. I will give you a formula you should never forget. The first one is to listen to all the feedback provided about you and correct yourself appropriately. You will likely be a confused fox who steps on its tail if not. In other words, you’ll keep creating more troubles for yourself. The feedback provided for you is golden. If you want to take the utmost measure in this direction, listen to the philosopher Epictetus: “If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, “He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.”

Secondly, always have gratitude for all that you have. Being open to receiving criticism and being grateful will always create safety and abundance in your life. You will have a wonderful life if you stick to the right path, avoid greed, and do beneficial work for yourself and society. If you become fully aware of your errors and do not give up on finding solutions, you can rid yourself of many traps. As time passes, you can be an excellent advisor to others facing similar challenges.

On a final note, do not be afraid of your sense of “I” ness, your sense of egoism. It is who you are. Just be aware of it, express yourself, and offer it to a higher purpose. Remember, you need to use it in the right way.

Sexuality has great importance in your life. You must learn to use your sexual energy maturely and positively. Otherwise, you may suffer a lot. Heal your sexual complexes and obsessions, if you have any. You need to learn how to balance and direct your sexual energy toward spiritual growth. It will be beneficial for you to go into Tantric teachings.

Regarding tantric paths, I would recommend following a psychotherapeutic one with catharsis as the key remedy method and an energetic one with yoga as the key remedy method. The synthesis of these approaches to Tantra will ensure your success. If you are a man, you can contact me directly as I professionally work with men in this direction.

As a Net, you are a very social, natural networker. You love introducing people to each other; it is your job to gather information. You are constant with your social life, but your relationships are pretty unusual. Due to your charm and spiritual awareness, you will feel safe and secure in creating a harmonious love relationship. Family life will bring more challenges but more magical abundance and a sense of purpose. If you feel like being a parent, go for it, you will be a great one.

You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack the flexibility of the mind at times. Once you think things through, you do not change your mind very quickly. Nevertheless, when you use your mind positively and transformatively, you will follow the path of true abundance and satisfaction. This helps you sustain a creative and productive life.

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Mayans think that Serpent people are charismatic yet, mysterious. You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking, and have strong instincts, making you a natural leader. You can act as a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. Knowing your high spiritual potential, you can use it for psychic or spiritual healing. Health, healing, and medicine are vital areas in your life.

You are blessed with a strong body and a healthy mind. Your capacity to handle stress is better than many other people. Being an athlete, dance performer, or any other profession requiring physical activity can work miracles for you. You are interested in science and reading. You can uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can also be successful in information technology. You might want to choose a career in medical science, healing, pharmacy, psychotherapy, etc.

The symbol of two snakes winding around an often winged staff (Rod of Asclepius) is attributed to medical science in the contemporary world. This connotation is not without a reason if we look at it from the esoteric perspective. Mayan tradition will say that as a Serpent person, you carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms. These powers allow you to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. This wisdom is neither good nor bad; it is beyond the opposites. The Serpent can be poisonous, but the poison in tiny amounts can be healing. To be wise is your power in the right way.

You have intense energy in your eyes that gives you a certain charisma. It is probably behind the rumor that the Mayans are a bit afraid of the Serpent people. On a deeper level, your intensity can be explained with Kundalini, a term from the Indian yoga tradition. If you look up the symbol of Kundalini, you will see that it is a coiled serpent. So this is where the connection comes between the Mayan and Indian traditions. The depiction of the Serpent sign signals that this tremendous force is already awakened in you to some extent.

Kundalini represents our ultimate evolutionary force. Generally speaking, this force is predominantly asleep and needs to be awakened either by diligent practice or the grace of a Guru. Of course, there are other ways possible as well. The rabbit hole goes really deep, and the complete teachings about Kundalini will be exceeded here. If you want to dive deeper, I recommend Kundalini Tantra, a book by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, as an excellent introduction to the science of Kundalini. Nevertheless, I must warn you that to practice those techniques depicted in the book, a pure body, a pure mind, and a pure energy system are prerequisites. This is also true for any person with the Serpent sign in their Mayan Tree of Life.

Working on the purity of your mind, body, and energy will help you manifest your full potential. Remember, you already have the Kundalini awakened and rising in you.
So, Serpent requires you to be clean and responsible in working with your inner energies. The clarity of intention, purpose, and direction will come to you through practices that you actually work with your body and your breath.

Traditionally, cleaning the body by practicing Hatha Yoga for about 2 years is required before starting any Kundalini Yoga. So why do not you start Hatha Yoga today? Or revisit your yoga practice if you have already been doing it for a while, and take it more seriously. When I mean yoga, I do not mean only asanas but also pranayama, the concentration of the mind and meditation.

There is a thin line between genius and madness. The Yogis emphasize that the Kundalini energy can be constructive or destructive once awakened. This is especially true for someone who awakens their Kundalini. Moodiness, touchiness, and destructive behaviors can surface when you are very angry or sad. These behaviors and emotions can be poisonous to you or others. A balanced state of existence and spirituality can keep you away from harm’s way. One way to achieve this is to develop your sense of compassion and kindness to yourself and others. Serving others sincerely with dedication and surrender will open and expand your heart.

The Serpent’s energy is also about sexuality and a strong passion, which can be so overwhelming that you feel like a slave to your desires. You need to learn how to control or divert these internal forces you have.

In general, you are not very good at nurturing yourself. If you do not know how to use your energy well, you can become weak and knocked down unexpectedly by problems that may create complex changes. For all these reasons, I think it will be beneficial for you to understand and examine the science of Kundalini and learn Yoga in depth.

You are a harmonious person and can be very flexible if not cornered. If you feel you are being cornered, you can blow up. You are well known to have zero tolerance for betrayal. Therefore, you can quickly end a problematic relationship.

By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. Always remember your inner wisdom, stay flexible in difficult situations, and learn how to master your inner powers. You have a lot to do in this life, but the outcome will be a masterpiece when you do the hard work.

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You might be uncomfortable or even a little scared by the name of this sign.  However, let me ease you by being direct. For the Mayas, the Death sign is one of the most fortunate. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death is a process of spiritual transformation, and the natives of this sign have a natural capacity to go through this process with ease and excellence. This also means going through transformations in life with ease, which seems strenuous for most people. As some wise man has said, if you know how to die, you will know how to live.

Transformation is the key meaning of your life. You are a catalyst of change. You either transform yourself by internal or external force or love to help and facilitate someone else’s transformation. Sometimes, this can be about collective transformation, and you might find yourself facilitating transformations for your family members or colleagues.

We human beings experience birth, death, and sometimes psychological death, which are significant transformations in a figurative sense. Your purpose or talent is to help other individuals going through these challenging transformations.

Helping mothers and babies through the arduous birth process could be an excellent job for you. I know some Death persons who find their cause by choosing to be a midwife. Or you might take it metaphorically and decide to be a psychologist, therapist, life coach, etc. In such positions, you can help people who might have difficulties letting go of their ego, of their old self.

Since death and dying are almost taboo in our material culture, it is difficult to talk about them. This is partly why you feel strange or afraid when you see this sign in your Mayan Tree of Life. But to go to the heart of the matter, Death is a significant opportunity for enlightenment or to shift to a higher state of spiritual vibration. This is almost at the center of the major spiritual traditions of our planet. The Egyptians see life afterlife as the most significant journey of the soul. For Tibetans, one needs to master the Art of Dying, as instructed in the Bardo Thodol, for a successful spiritual evolution or even to reach Buddhahood. Similarly, the Mayans did not ignore the importance of the moment of death and the journey that comes after it.

About choosing a job or career fit for the Death sign persons, I recommend studying The Art of Dying of the Tibetans. One step forward, I would like to say that you could work as a “facilitator of death” by studying the five stages of death as once depicted by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross brilliantly. Remember, anyone who masters the process of dying can master living wholly.

You have a soft and feminine character and are intelligent, wise, and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet, and you manage to reach your goals. Your solid psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Your body will not easily host illnesses.

You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. However, if you are not respectful and loyal to your partner, this will lead to many problems. The community you serve benefits from your organizational skills and job discipline. You have political awareness, commit to social services, or at least follow the daily political events. Do not hold back your desire to make sacrifices to help other people. You create strong allies and partners around you. Generally, you have a very calm nature. However, in relationships, you still are the dominant partner.

Naturally, subjects like death, life after death, and mysticism always interest you. Do not suppress this curiosity but get guidance from competent and trustworthy people, like those belonging to the Jaguar sign. Your continuous connections with your ancestors activate some of your psychic abilities, which you can use to help people. Talents like intuition and prophecy may emerge within you.

Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others with peaceful and calm transformations. Once you know the power of surrender within you, you will become a catalyst to help people.

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You have a calm appearance, but you have an overwhelming, strong character on the inside. Friendship and camaraderie are essential to you. Your social circles become like a family. Generally, you are talkative with a peaceful nature. Nevertheless, you speak courageously and daringly, based on your strong “gut feeling” and reasoning skills.

Mayans believe that the Deer people carry the staff of power. The best feature that identifies you is your inner strength. You are powerful, yet your main struggle is about using it wisely. Questioning your goals often will help you with the power struggles. It will be helpful to reflect on how you are using your power. Are you using them selfishly for personal gain, or are you using them to benefit others?

On the other hand, if you get too caught up in defending others, you may neglect to protect yourself. Or you may give too much power to others and have trouble remembering your own. You must aim to balance and not go exceedingly on any side.

You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion, and loyalty. You may get hurt sometimes, but you know how to recover quickly and move on. Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader.

Being the guardian of the four directions and holding the staff of power, you have a natural talent to act as a lighthouse and be a spiritual guide for people. You are a natural-born life coach, and if you could, you would spend most of your time advising people on how they can become successful in life. Awakening others to their full potential makes you feel terrific.

The potential you see in others is the potential you have within you. While you inspire others about their potential, you might neglect your own. But remember, if they can awaken to what they can achieve in this life, so can you. Remember this as an anchor to your self-worth.

You love to travel and prefer to travel with others. Travel can be a tool for personal development. On the other hand, life is a pilgrimage journey, and all ways are accepted. Because you are versatile, you sometimes get confused about finding the right path. However, be assured that the choices you make will be fine. The Deer is the ruler spirit of the four directions. Therefore, all directions you choose will bring you success. Whichever direction you take in life, you will have a good path. So do not worry about whether you should go in this direction or that one. All directions are good for you. As the old saying goes, “all roads lead to Rome.”

You slowly but surely climb the stairs in the work-life. Behind the calm appearance, you have an ambitious nature. You can become a compassionate leader, a problem-solving counselor, or a diplomat. Due to your sense of authority and organizational skills, you may come to managerial positions easily. The skills and the quality of the work done are vital for you. You have the necessary tools for any task you wish to do, which allows you to go beyond limits. You tend to keep all the things you use, causing a lot of clutter around you. Confusion, procrastination, and indecision become your blocks. A good advice for you would be to learn to get rid of your unnecessary objects, tools, and mental and psychological habits.

You have a deeply spiritual side to you, but you may not always choose to show it. At times you might be perceived as someone weird or even a little bit crazy. This is because of the energy you carry within. My best advice to you, be at peace with your weirdness. Mayans would see the Deer as a holy animal because they would follow the footsteps of the Deer, so they could find the special mushrooms that grow thanks to its feces. These mushrooms were one of the keys to Mayan society, which opened them up to the possibility of extraordinary states of mind. So anything that we call weird is, in fact, a window opening up to the extraordinary. And the more you are at peace with those aspects, the more you will embrace your creativity, transcendent power, and guiding potential for others.

You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty. Therefore living with art is perfect for you. Mayans believe that Deer people have very skillful hands, as shown in the symbol of this sign. So you can be very good at any manual work. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature is very important for you, as it will help you stay in touch with your true self.

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In general, you are very lucky and have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck and abundance, just like in Chinese culture. It has similar characteristics to the Rabbit sign of the Chinese Astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy-going way in the “real” world. You can quickly become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent to make money and create abundance. Efficiency and productivity are your prominent features. Mayans talk about Rabbit having the quality of multiplication, as the fertility of the Rabbit, giving many births at once.

According to the Mayan belief, the excellent heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This is described as being a “star seed.” In other words, you took upon your parents’ and grandparents’ bright qualities. All the favorable properties of previous generations come together within you. This also means you are a good child in every aspect of your life.

Rabbit people have a perfect connection with babies and children. It is easy to be in touch with your inner child and the children around you. Working with children, babies, or mothers during birth and breastfeeding are great career options for you.

The abundance of the Rabbit benefits you mentally as well. You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. You like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. You attract different people, ideas, and experiences like an abundance magnet.

Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind, and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life can keep a light heart and a good sense of humor even at the most challenging times. All of this helps you keep moving forward. Mayans also call this sign “Star.” You can shine like a star and illuminate people around you. Being an extrovert, social activities are when you are at your best. You are a mood booster for depressed people with your jokes and appreciation of what is good.

Equality is a core value of yours. Like all the stars in the sky, you shine equally in all directions. Mayans say that the four directions, as seen in the Rabbit symbol, symbolize the four races of humankind, white, yellow, red, and black. You will shine brighter when you realize that abundance increases when it is shared. This natural act of sharing can become an obligation, and you can become overly sensitive and generous. As a result, you might think you are incredibly giving, which will exhaust you at some point. If this is the case, indeed, your energy may decrease and crash. In this state of mind, you might find yourself imposing your ideas on others. Like a supernova, you are collapsing on yourself and turning into a dark hole.

What is the remedy against this? One of the most important lessons for you to see is that abundance will not decrease as you continue to give generously. Also, realize that you do not only carry a brilliant mind but also an amazing soul. You wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality – your search for peace in your relationships. Your ability to socialize and bring people together comes from your spiritual will and mission to unite all. Remember, you are like a star shining in all directions. You should nurture feelings of compassion and love for yourself and others. Your real journey in life is about learning how to love.

Rabbit is one of the signs I recommend parenting, whether you are a man or woman. You can be a fantastic parent and probably wish to have many children since you get along well with the younger generations. The blessing of fertility is always with you.

You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. Your tendency to seek pleasure can create an addiction to alcohol, drugs, etc. Unfortunately, this may cause you to deplete your life force. The best way to prevent this is to use your energy productively and avoid laziness. In this way, you can accomplish a lot of tasks in short periods of time.

Spiritual growth is a continuous process; one must build upon the good traits and increase their intuition to do so. It is a long run and not 100 meters hurdles. You must learn to be patient and trust that everything has its own pace within the divine timing. This is similar to how a seed goes through to become a flower at its own pace. When you nurture and take care of your mental seeds, you will be surprised to see what emerges from them. To uncover your inner power, you must go to places that make you feel good. Walking in nature and going by the seaside can help nurture your soul.

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Your soft-natured, humble, emotional, and hard-working characteristics make you noticeable. Also, you are dynamic, intelligent, and an excellent communicator. These features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk-taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary, and creative skills are worth noticing. You can find your balance like the water finds its way.

In certain Mayan rituals, people pray for the element of Water to harmonize and purify their society and community. These ceremonies are an essential part of their lives in terms of living in united collective power and harmony. Water sign on the sacred calendar is also called Fire, as these ceremonies have a fireplace or candles at their hearts. Hence the energy of this sign is like fire, burning negativities, purifying, and harmonizing.

So you can imagine yourself like a fire burning and eliminating negativities, or like water washing and purifying the energies in your life. Inevitably the concept of Karma comes into the picture. You are burning Karmic loads of yourself and the people around you. As a Water person, you are here to bring harmony and purification to the collective life. You can optimize and accelerate this process by making a little ceremony on your own. Make a bonfire with the intention of creating a sacred time and place. You can use one or more candles if that will be more convenient for you. Then sit and gaze at the flames, giving all your negative thoughts, emotions, and habits to the fire. Let the fire clean your mind and emotions. At best, do this at the Water (Muluc / Toj) days, which come up every 20 days.

Fire is Grandfather in American indigenous cultures. In the ceremonies of the Native American Church, fire is literally at the heart of the whole event. Homa, in India, is a significant purification ritual centered around a pure and sacred fireplace. Also, in Yoga, there is a powerful mind purification technique called Trataka, which has a version that is being done focusing on candlelight. I believe Mayans have taken candles at the heart of their rituals. In Guatemalan highlands, the environment has been making it difficult to hold and use woods for fire ceremonies.

This sign is all about giving and paying back. In one Mayan version, this sign is named Sacrifice. No surprise that you may feel like humbly serving and giving to others. Or it might be that you suffer significantly from negativities, problems, diseases, etc. Don’t despair. This is one of the most beautiful Mayan signs, as you will see. Fulfilling the difficult task of bringing peace, purification, and balance may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. Sometimes this is because you may take other people’s negativity upon you. Remember, you are a sacrifice yourself. Your soul’s purpose is to purify the collective karma of the community you are living in. If reading this, you might think, “this is so unfair.” You may react with denial, irritation, or anger. But stay with me. I will help you understand the dynamics of Water. There is a way out of the darkness, leading to genuine balance in your life.

Sacrificing with total sincerity opens many gates, psychologically speaking. It solves many problems, brings harmony to one’s life, and clears the way to success and fulfillment. Delayed gratification is at the base of our civilization. When done correctly, wholly from the heart, it leads to peace instead of resentment. Jordan Peterson has a magnificent chapter about this in his book Twelve Rules for Life: Rule Seven – Do What is Meaningful (not what is expedient).

What does it mean to give back, as this Mayan sign suggests? First, remember that the one who gives back is the one who surrenders, the humble one. This sign has a significant influence on your psychology about the awareness of the ego. You might be well-known in your social circles for your sacrifice and devotion. Maybe all of these don’t sound very pleasant, but spiritually you are very fortunate.

If you are experiencing depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism, or setbacks in your life, try to see these challenges as opportunities to grow. If you are willing to face and overcome them, you will gain something in the end. The more you clean your karma, the more life will turn for the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your saviors. You will continue your life as a wiser person. Mayans say that Water people will learn how to flow better in life’s tricky turns and curves. Over time you will learn how to flow with life to its fullest. Use your intuition to navigate the complex paths of life.

Water is also a metaphor for the subconscious mind. You have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. Many people may misunderstand these aspects in you. It may seem as if you have a hidden agenda. They may distrust you as a result and even be blunt to your face about it. This is why you should work to bring your subconscious emotions to the surface and cleanse your own water.

Obviously, you are an emotional and fragile human being. Emotions play a big part in your being. Sometimes they will overwhelm you and create restricting or negative relationships with people. In these cases, you claim the role of an emotional manipulator. But, if you bring the light of awareness to your emotions, you may slowly gain control over them. Remember to take a break, take a deep breath, and center yourself when your emotions seem to be out of control. By developing awareness and control over your emotions, you will increase an excellent level of EQ (Emotional intelligence). Using your EQ skills to help and heal others, instead of using them to manipulate people, will also reveal the leader within you. In today’s management world, it is well-known that people with high EQ have better relationships and stay in leadership positions for extended periods.

You also have powerful artistic talents. Especially in the visual fields of art, you can create wonders in painting, photography, or filmmaking. Trust your strong imagination and express your graphic skills.

You like to have passionate and intense relationships, but you must be careful not to be too overwhelming and jealous. To live a healthy and balanced relationship, you must find your way and your balance like the water.

The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating, and giving offerings. By doing these things, you inspire us, the rest of humanity, to do the same. You like helping people in your community, and by helping others, you are helping yourself. Everything we own is borrowed. Remember to provide offerings once every twenty days, on the Water sign days. You are a natural spiritual guide and a bright light for humanity; your prayers are always accepted.

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You have many similarities with the animals that symbolize this sign, dogs. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, intelligent, and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Being playful, just like the dogs, often helps you to have a good understanding of human nature. You are very creative with interest in music, drawing, and painting. You need much variety in life. Be aware of such aspects. Traveling is a favorite hobby of yours, and you make an excellent travel companion. When you lead a lifestyle that fulfills them, success and wealth will readily come to you.

One of the aspects of the Dog sign is discipline and justice. This aspect makes you somehow intolerant of unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you can smell and trace every action track. You have the desire to reveal the truth and bring justice in many situations. You are a natural detective! You are respected in your community because of your sense of justice and protective attitude. You can advance in society by becoming a lawyer, judge, or prosecutor. A famous professor of criminology I know was born on a Dog day.

However, in the justice field, you may tend to impose your thoughts a bit too much. So pay extra attention to be able to stay objective.

Dog’s loyalty and trust cannot be ignored. On the journey of life filled with great uncertainty, a strong sense of belief is your most valuable treasure. You do not stop before reaching the final destination in pursuing ideas and people you believe in. This is a powerful trait of yours, but it can have dire consequences if you are in the wrong cult. It would be wise of you to develop a control mechanism in which you periodically question the values and the results of actions of the social group you are part of.

Your loyalty and faith come from your trust and respect for the spiritual. In its highest form, loyalty is about allegiance to the divine. Even if you have a secular mind, you trust a force larger than all of us. This is your most powerful characteristic. You chose to trust and surrender instead of thinking confusing thoughts and profound theories. You like to devote yourself to the highest ideal. Following your heart leads you to find the right path.

You are a team player and get along well with people. Also, you know how to awaken the sense of loyalty in others, which is one of your greatest gifts. Your belief and faith inspire them, and your leadership abilities may surface at this point.

Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. Just as a dog chases its own tail, you know how to play and find joy. Like the dogs, you are always ready to give and receive love, primarily through touching. Early on in life, you discovered the healing power of touch. You can have a successful career as a massage therapist, bodyworker, somatic therapist, osteopath, or in any area directly connected with our physical bodies.

You like to live your relationships romantically and sensitively. Obviously, physical touch and sexuality are significant for you. You like the idea of having a family and kids.

On the negative side, a lack of emotional maturity might be your weakest point. This may lead you to indulge too much in the pleasures of life and be obsessed with luxury. If you develop an addiction to pleasures, take it as a warning. Ring the alarm bell and abort the mission until you find a balanced and healthy relationship with your treats. The best approach would be to direct your sexuality and feelings towards a goal of healing. Remember that you are born to live with unconditional love. And when you are in that space, finding the path that leads to harmony will be easier.

In short, keep your heart open, and keep enjoying life 🙂

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Cute, clever, and generous you are, it is impossible not to notice you. You have a strong character, and sometimes you choose to stay distant from people, probably because of the discomfort you are feeling with intense emotions. Thanks to your charming personality and jokes, you become the center of attention with the speed of light.

Monkey is a natural-born artist and artisan. You are talented in music, painting, handmade art objects, basically, any area where the creative energy flows. However, you are at your best while performing. Dancing, singing, and especially acting skills come spontaneously to you. Constantly being under the spotlight, you enjoy being the center of attention. If you have not discovered these aspects yet, you should consider doing so. And why not get a career in this direction? You can even consider being a TV host. You will naturally draw fame into your life.

To put it most simply, Monkey symbolizes the child within us. An innocent child who is curious, creative, playful, and funny. This is the toddler who paints the house’s inner walls or plays the violin in a new and innovative way. They are artistic and creative with their free will. We know from common sense and social experience that looking after such children is sometimes challenging and even exhausting. Most often, we do not provide enough room for this child. Many parents choose the path of oppression and rebuke. As a reaction, the child often gets lazy, destructive, or disruptive. Usually, this comes up with a high price to be paid, such as emotional problems or disharmonious family life.

Nevertheless, when we talk about your inner child, the situation is slightly different. You can always have the authority. You can decide whether to hold the space and support your inner child or not. The winner or loser will be you, based on your decisions and actions. As you are born on the Monkey sign day, you are advised to permit your inner child to play and creative expression. And if you are a parent, such awareness will positively impact your children.

When your creative channel is open, you can benefit yourself and the community. The master key is keeping alive the dialogue with your inner child. The extraordinary, artistic, curious aspect in us, the child buzzing with energy, must live on. As an adult, our task is to protect this child, and in return, we receive the nourishment of inspiration. So remember your childhood dreams, unleash your creativity and free your expressivity. Buy that piano or painting equipment for your inner child.

I am not talking about letting go of the adult in you and becoming a child again. The beauty of being an adult is that we have the possibility of leading a balanced life based on the two. The movie The Kid, with Bruce Willis, is an iconic representation of this relationship. If you want to go deeper in this direction, I recommend receiving a particular therapy called Primal. This form of therapy is mainly about purifying the negative conditionings we were exposed to in childhood.

Once you set free your inner child, some challenges could arise in your social life. For instance, people may find adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity difficult. Keep on with being friendly and charming. It will make it easier for people to love you and tolerate your childlike being. However, on extremes, an attention-seeking and jokester aspect may rise in you. Have a keen awareness of these powers inside you, so that you will not be perceived as a clown but instead as a charming, funny person.

Monkey is a thread that connects all signs, a bond connecting everything through human creativity and spiritual unity. Monkey is one of the luckiest signs and has good luck with marriage, children, money, career, etc. In Mayan traditions, it is believed that the unions and relationships that start on this day will have a robust and lasting bond. Hence, it is a common practice to choose a Monkey day as a marriage day.

You may be in search of a perfect life partner. This can be frustrating, but you do your best to protect and maintain the relationship when you believe you have found your partner.

Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You can handle thoughts as if they were threads and weave them into your reality. New ideas and discoveries are also interwoven into our lives by you. There is no need to teach you anything because you already know everything. Since you are the sign that connects all other signs, you can access all their attributes. This allows you to be flexible and knowledgeable about various subjects, which you can use to express yourself artistically and creatively. You can bring solutions to many different problems. However, your attention span is relatively short. You tend to jump from one subject to another before staying on one of them long enough to master it.

Consider mastering at least one of the skills you gathered so that you can relax about your financial situation and have time and energy to spread your multitude of interests. Also, you can benefit from the skills and knowledge you collect and use that information to be an inventor of new approaches or to create new ideas.

As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence and nothing in between. Artists are known to have issues with the ego. You tend to ignore others when immersed in your affairs, creativity, and luck. Your dark side is your selfishness; of course, one of your life lessons is overcoming this by developing self-awareness. As time goes by, you will understand the importance of service to your community, and it will help you find the balance.

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As a Road person, the best place to tap into your potential is abroad. Your interactions with people from other countries have a crucial role for you (even if you meet them in your own country). They will remind you about your purpose and your place in life. Indeed, you may choose to live where you can make a living and a career instead of living where you were born. Foreign cultures will always be in your field of interest, and making a career in this is proper for you. Also, having a relationship or marriage with a partner from a foreign country may benefit you. Your interests and skills can also make you a master in international trade.

There is a saying, “Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or travels a lot?” The best answer probably is about doing both. But being a nomad is definitely the right choice regarding the Road sign. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey while traveling, learning, and growing. Your life purpose is to be a Road Man (or Woman), as the indigenous people call it. Walking the Road of Life, you share your wisdom with the people you meet along your journeys. You also learn from them, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. One common thing that all international travelers realize is that humans are humans everywhere. We may have many different languages, religions, cultures, and economic systems. Still, our inert humanity has only variations on a theme. Traveling around the world makes one more humanistic, which leads me to another name for this sign: Human.

You are very delicate and highly considerate. Mayans say that the Road people will be thinking about seven generations ahead. In a way, you are very aware of the Karma yoga principles. You will be very careful to act upon something. It is common to see Road persons in voluntary work positions dedicated to improving the social and ecological life or any other humanitarian and social service. This sign, also known as “the Human,” is well known for being humanistic. The more you travel, learn and experience other cultures, the more you will see that we are one big family called humanity. Your heart will grow to be tolerant and understanding.

You are a hard worker, and you like to be with people. Most of your life revolves around non-governmental organizations, charities, foundations, or volunteer work. Grassroots movements are where you feel at home, as Grass is another name for this Mayan sign. Contributing to donations and doing good deeds is essential for you. As you serve your community, you do it quietly, without needing recognition. You tend to walk your spiritual path in balance and beauty.

Grass is the most generous and modest of all life forms. It bows down when the wind blows. What better metaphor there is for humbleness? You do not like to show off with your success stories. In your career and travel, your focus is on being of help and support to humanity at large.

Mayans say Road sign is like an empty container. You are an empty vessel for the divine inspiration to fill in. This is where your humility comes from. The less you are, the more you could be of service.

You are a sympathetic, obedient, self-dedicated, diligent worker and a good organizer. Practical thinking is your way. Being very competitive, you are best at accomplishing your goals. Yet you avoid confrontations. You choose to be agreeable and idealistic.

Road symbolizes the spiral of life. This sacred path of energy is of two spirals. One originates from the sky, traveling down to earth through the spinal cord. And the other back up to the sky. This “Stairway to Heaven” is the path which the Divine Consciousness walks down to the earth, step by step. You’re that stairway itself, humbly bowing down and taking the weight of those steps on your back.

There is a sensitive and emotional balance in the center of your gentleness and grace. You are overly sensitive and must learn not to bottle up anger within you. Understanding nonviolent communication will help you in expressing yourself without rage. Meditations that include a catharsis can also help you. We humans need to unload our emotional load regularly, especially for you.

You are lucky in love, yet you must experience various relationships in your lifetime. It may be difficult for you to commit to relationships, but you can have a good one with a non-controlling partner who is not pressing. You have a higher chance of being happy with a partner outside where you were born.

You are a pioneer and a guide for opening the path for people, groups, and communities. You may like to sacrifice yourself for others. Taking care of the ill, the disadvantaged, children, or ecology are typical motivations for the Road people. Ultimately, your desire for peace and tranquility brings great benefit and service to humanity.

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Cane (Reed)

The Mayans define the Cane sign as the trunk of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a central symbol in Mayan mythology and cosmology. Cane people stand firm and strong like a thousand years old trees. You have a strong character with unshakeable confidence. Which comes with the experience of knowing oneself. You own your personal power. Hardships of life make you stronger, and you grow thanks to them. All mistakes and defeats are simply lessons for you. While your outlook is tough, you have a healing, compassionate heart.

Your striking qualities are your strong principles, a desire for excellence, inner strength, logic, and leadership. Also, you are intelligent, brave, and productive. You are a pioneer who likes to take risks. You want to educate yourself in the best way possible, or you were blessed to have the means for it, thanks to your family.

Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. The source of your talent is your assertiveness and belief in fundamental values. Whatever expertise you choose to deal with, you will always stand out. As an intellectual and educated person, you attempt to understand human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists, and politicians shaping history. Both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are natives of the Cane sign. It is as if Cane people are the main pillars of a vast building and tend to create systems, schools of thought, movements, or cooperation. Do not doubt. You have the strength to carry the weight.

You are the spiritual essence, protector, and guiding light of the home and family. Being courageous and selfless, you demonstrate a typical fatherly figure. With strong leadership qualities, you carry a mission to direct the community you live in in new directions. You may be an important figure in your community and a good parent. You wish to have many children. This role of being a parent also includes large families. Even if you may not have children, you tend to take on a parenthood role in your social circles.

You try to bring peace and harmony to your relationships harshly and analytically. Although you are talented in negotiations and comforting people, you are often tested on these grounds.

As the trunk of a big tree is large and strong, it has a weak point. You most often lack flexibility with your views and attitudes towards people. Although you are armed with all these remarkable qualities, no fruits will be served if no one can reach your branches.

You can create problems at work and in marriage life. Your high expectations and wanting to be recognized all the time will usually be sources of conflict and disharmony. This attitude may break your relationships over time. You may not realize how you hurt other people by ignoring their fragilities when you go into a bossy mood. Remember, like an inflexible cane will break with the conflicting forces, you will. Maybe you do not feel so fragile. It is not in your dictionary. But many conflicts will be avoided when you learn to be flexible, which is your main life lesson. As a Tree of Life, you will feel much more satisfied in your heart when you bend forward and offer your fruits to others in harmony.

Your strong mind and intellectual capacities may also refer to a problem. You tend to see everything on the mundane level, with maybe too much skepticism involved. Coming out of your mind and attuning with your intuition may be a difficult step for you. But it has enormous benefits. Your integrity, together with such skills, will bring out the best in you. Other signs like Serpent and Crocodile will inevitably help you access these hidden energies. So, better be aware and open instead of being stubborn and in denial. Remember, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were both born on the same sign as you are. They are known for being in service to unearthing the mysteries of the human psyche and explaining and expressing it in a systematic approach, just what is expected from a Cane person.

Reed is another name for this Mayan sign. At the same time, Ney, the empty reed, is a beautiful metaphor from the Sufi tradition. I find fascinating connections between the poetry of Rumi and the Mayan sign of Reed. Rumi says we are all like a reed, separated from the source. That’s why we have grief inside. And only when we are empty of useless worries and concerns the music will come through. Only then that yearning will cry out as beautiful music. Such a lovely way to see how Reed is a channel of the Divine Spirit.

Cane brings the spirit to the house, which turns it into a nest. For Mayans, this is a blessed day to be born. In Mesoamerican mythology, this is the day the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl), the light bringer God, is born. This day is also known as the day that the Gods descend on earth.

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Jaguar is strongly connected with Mother Earth and its aspects, including magic. It is the god/goddess of gratitude. Jaguar’s spirit lives in the temples and is called upon by Mayans for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. Its energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains, and forests. You may direct your love for nature and work hard for the good of the environment. You are a good fit for taking care of the ecology, soil, forests, or endangered species.

Since you have a great relationship with Mother Earth, you might work with women or for women. Maybe you want to dedicate your time and energy to protecting women and mothers. It could be about fighting for gender equality, women’s rights, or any field related to motherhood, pregnancy, or birth.

According to the Mayans, Jaguar is an animal with a strong night vision. It can see things that other animals cannot see. Likewise, Jaguar people can see things that others do not. You tend to have strong psychic and shamanic abilities. These can manifest as a strong intuition or a functional capacity for healing.

A child born on the day of the Jaguar is expected to be a Shaman or a day keeper. Mayans would raise a Jaguar child with this awareness and prepare them for such a position in society. As a Jaguar, you have a tendency to be religious or spiritual. You are born with a deep love for our planet Earth, and this type of spirituality is perhaps what you are most drawn towards. Native American traditions would be fascinating for you.

You have an immense potential to guide people around you. You might find yourself in such positions, at least among your colleagues, as a mentor, coach, or consultant. Think of the Medicine Man of a Native American tribe. He is the main character which people ask for advice and the ultimate spiritual guide for his community. Medicine man/woman or the shaman of the tribe has a place of respect and also isolation. They need their aura to breathe and not mix with other members of the tribe so that they can spell their magic.

Like a Shaman, you must have some distance from the people to protect your spiritual aura. This means taking care of your private space. It is healthier for the Jaguar to have its own space than constantly be with people.

One of my clients, a Jaguar native, is the owner of a successful media company. During the day, he works at his private office, quite busy managing his team. Nevertheless, he has a secret room behind his desk and sometimes goes there for a short meditation. This is a beautiful strategy for a Jaguar person, for keeping integrity by these short interval retreats. I recommend you develop a habit of having some form of retreat, either spending at least one hour per day or one week in isolation. This will help you gather power and integrity.

You have a robust mental capacity as well as a strong character. You must be centered and very well-grounded when you are in communication with everything around you. If not, you may tend to search for unbalanced forces. The patience and skills born from your strength can transform into aggression if sudden decisions and actions are taken without reflection. This is why sometimes Jaguar people are perceived as being passive-aggressive.

The messages you give to people contain some mystery. Conflict and arguments are not suitable for you. This also means that relationships are a complex subject. If your capacity to be a spiritual guide is neglected in your relationships, it may create some problems. You must own your power, and people will then recognize your gift for spiritual guidance. Taking care of your private space will also help you with your relationships.

According to the Mayans, those born on a Jaguar day tend to become rich. But this wealth may come at a price, manifesting as illness. The power that brings wealth to the Jaguar also brings pressure for transformation. Resistance to change often results in disease. Indeed there is a solution; accepting and embracing the inner transformation. A Jaguar who keeps up and agrees with the need for transformation can prove a mighty shaman.

Jaguar is also known as the magician who can change and alter other people’s destinies. But magicians are famous for being either on the light side or on the dark side. Integrity is what you should aim for at all times to keep your purity.

Humility is a key performance indicator for you in terms of having integrity. If the Jaguar gets stuck under the influence of an internal conflict, it will pursue stardom and fame and use its powers like a dark magician. In the absence of integrity, the Jaguar’s purity becomes disrupted; it becomes a seeker of only wealth and fame.

A Jaguar that has reached wholeness and peace within succeeds in following through with the divine plane. Humility manifests as the primary characteristic of such a shaman or magician. Being successful AND modest at the same time is the way to go. By checking how much modesty you have, you can see how much you are on the right path of light or not.

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Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. Intuition is one of your key talents. There is always something to learn at every step of life. The power of inner-knowing makes you telepathic. Solutions to your problems might come so quickly that sometimes you even wonder where they came from.

Eagle is an intermediary between the earth and the sky. You are as strong in the material world as in the spiritual world. Thanks to your strong spirit and high motivation, you know how to get what you want. There is a passion in your heart for rising up in the society: You are blessed with the fertile soil for a promising career as a good businessman or merchant.

Mayans say the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. You will always get the help you need, and most often, at the very last moment. The money required will always come to you, so you should not worry about having enough of it. You are blessed with abundance. Consider this as having a full license to go after your dreams. Considering all these aspects, you are given spiritual and material wealth and the opportunities to become an influential cleric or a spiritual leader.

Like the bird of prey associated with this sign, you like to fly high. It is easy for you to rise above the difficulties and see the big picture. Having an Eagle vision, you see everything from afar and from a broad perspective. As an Eagle person, you have a very clear awareness and almost nothing can be hidden from you. You have sharp intelligence and intuition.

You are a natural-born visionary, and you like to inspire people. You are on a mission to help others gain a higher vision. Although you are aware that details are essential, if you see someone getting stuck in details, you feel obliged to show or remind them about the big picture. Incidentally, if you have eyesight problems, this might indicate that this aspect of the Eagle is blocked within you.

The Eagle sign means wholeness and completion and symbolizes striving for perfection on all levels of existence. Therefore, you dedicate yourself to perfection. To reach the top, you must stay centered and in balance. You will fall from heights if you get caught in too much competition, be possessive, greedy, jealous, and ambitious. But if you are thoughtful, generous, and compassionate towards others, you will fly high in success. To serve others in compassion ensures your happiness; Eagle also creates a life for other birds.

Loyalty is an essential and challenging lesson for you. Eagles are lucky in love and like to live in intense relationships. It will be advisable for you to marry when you reach a mature age because you can be described as a “free spirit” who loves to party.

Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have the potential to run away from reality when you face a challenge. You will open up your large wings and fly away, which is the easiest thing for you to do. Fear and the tendency to escape are your weakest points. Running away from your problems will not help you to grow. Instead, you can utilize the powers you have. When you face a problem, shift your perspective. Rise up and look at it from a higher point of view. A wise Eagle will always look at the issues from a different angle. Taking new approaches will help you find reasonable solutions and results.

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Owl is a symbol of wisdom, especially the knowledge of the old ones. Mayans say that persons born on the day of the Owl are old souls, reincarnated many times to this life. Old spirits carry the wisdom of ancient times. The energy of the Owl puts you in touch with the other worlds. It brings telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. Being an old soul obviously brings about wisdom, so much so that Mayans sometimes name this sign Wisdom.

As an old soul, you wish the best for yourself and the people close to you. Nevertheless, you would like to eliminate those who do not fit your high standards. Because of your didactic nature and teacher-like characteristics, you tend to look for high status and authority in society. Old souls are usually attributed to positions of respect, naturally.

You become self-conscious in the company of other people. You might have discovered that you have an incredible inner strength that gives you space for quiet, internal observations. This trait is your connection to wisdom. If you want to explore this direction, try exploring ancient cultures and their spiritual traditions.

One of the best practices I suggest for an Owl person is to visit ancient sites and literally sit and meditate in a temple. You will be surprised. And probably, you will feel at home. Being around ancient temples, archeological sites, or places known to be old centers of energy will give you a lot of energetic experiences and intuitive insights. Reading about and practicing ancient esoteric wisdom traditions will also empower you. That’s because you have a quick and easy connection with the ancient spiritual traditions of our planet, whether it is from Egypt, India, Tibet, the Middle East, Mesoamerica, or Northern Europe.

These are the resources that will nurture you with wisdom and force. However, as all the other signs do, this sign also has a dark side. Wisdom comes together with some heavy karmic load.

Mayans believe that the Owl people come to this life to purify and burn a lot of karma from past lives. It makes this lifetime a challenging one. The utmost important point of awareness for you, especially in hostile times, is this: Don’t fret. Being conscious, instead of being pessimistic, is your way out.

Considering your profound and deep outlook on life, it will make sense to say that you are an old soul. You may have had many difficulties, setbacks, and illnesses. You may lose your balance when exposed to the karmic “pay-back” events. You may become numb towards life and be harsh in your relationships. People who love you may complain about your rigidity and hard shell.

In such cases, forgiving yourself will play a critical role in overcoming obstacles. Remember, you are the Wisdom. Whether you feel very vulnerable, depressive, sad, inadequate, or unlucky, trust yourself, no matter what. It will be the key to coming out of the dark, even facing hardships or “unfortunate” events. Listen to that inner voice of wisdom, which always speaks to you.

Due to the nature of these events, sadness could be an emotion you are regularly experiencing. But as I heard once from a wise medicine woman, sadness taken to heart brings knowledge of oneself. Sadness cut off from the heart brings depression.

Connecting to your higher self, even with a temporary depression, may bring valuable lessons. After such experiences, you develop a new perspective on life and a more open, compassionate spiritual heart, and you move on.

There are different ways to deal with karma. Some of them are simple, and some of them are more complicated methods. The most straightforward formula is this: When you are in hard times, you are burning some karma from your past. So be happy, celebrate that you are cleaning this stuff. And the more aware and centered you are, the more you are surrendered, and the more effective (and probably easier) this cleaning process will be.

Mayans say that the type of karma Owl sign needs to clean has much to do with sexual pleasures or addictions. Let me tell you one typical way karma works with you: Honeybee. Yes, it is one of the symbols for this sign. Just like a honeybee tastes honey, you like to taste the pleasures of life. However, if the Honeybee gets greedy or caught up in pleasuring itself too much, it can fall into the honey and get drown. Moral of the story, be very careful with your tendencies for bad habits.

Remember, you are lazy but wise like the Owl. Even though sometimes you lead an irresponsible life, you sail towards wealth with luck. You may live a long and healthy life when consciousness is developed. You make an excellent guide because of your sharp awareness of difficulties in life and what works and what does not. Once you are successful with a sufficient amount of your life lessons and tests, you can become an excellent counselor and help people heal from bad habits and addictions.

Here is a short story describing how karma works. A man was sitting in the park. Suddenly he realized that he was late for his meeting and started running. But in his hurry, he left his bag on the bench he was sitting on. Then, another man came along. He sat on the same bench and soon after saw the bag the first man had left. When he looked into the bag, he saw the money in it and immediately walked away with it. After a while, a third man came, sat on the same bench, and began reading his newspaper. In the meantime, the first man who forgot his bag returned. But instead of his bag, he found this man sitting and reading the newspaper. He got agitated and began beating this completely innocent man.

Now, let us hear the background of this story. I need to bring in the concept of reincarnation here. Maybe you do believe in reincarnations or not. If you do not, bear with me and before discarding it entirely, hear what the story has to say. Then, have some observations in your life about “unfortunate” things happening to you from this perspective. At the end of the day, it is your life, and it is totally up to you to take on this perspective or not.

So, the third man, sitting innocently on the bench, is now beaten up for no apparent reason. But in his previous life, he beat up the first man. Now the first man is beating him, and this one is paying back for what he did. The first man, who lost his money, actually owed money to the second man in his previous life. So the second man took the cash to close the debt.

Believe it or not, this is how the law of karma works. Things can happen to you for no apparent reason. The Owl is the sign that experiences these conditions more frequently than usual.

The key is to not react. Rather than being reactive to these kinds of situations, try to be forgiving and receptive as much as you can. Of course, do not hesitate to inform the authorities if a crime is involved, but avoid negative feelings of hatred and revenge. The message here is about a spiritual understanding, awareness, forgiveness, and not getting stuck in negative emotions. What goes around comes around. If you project anger, revenge, and hatred, it will return to you. When you practice a forgiving attitude, you will remember your inner wisdom and reveal the real potential of this sign. More karma will be cleaned, and fewer problems will occur at the proceeding stages of your life. As your awareness develops, things will be handled easier. As your karma clears, your wisdom will come forth, and you will be able to teach it to humanity, which is needed so much in our times.

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The Earth sign represents everything about the brain and its powers for the Mayans. Maybe you can see the convolutions of the brain on its symbol? It definitely does not resemble the earth element in classical astrology. Earth people have strong and active brains. The contents of the Earth sign are intellect, intelligence, strong analytical skills, mental powers, and bright new ideas. As a native of this sign, you like to be an eternal student. Your outlook on life is like a scientist, a philosopher, or both.

Your mind is full of new ideas, philosophical questioning, and scientific experiments. Your views are generally liberal, progressive, and sometimes radical. It seems like your thoughts are coming from the future.

Another name for this sign is “Earthquake.” You tend to create earthquakes in the sense of the mental world, the world of ideas. These earthquakes become emotionally visible, especially when people around you do not understand you. But the meaning of the word is not limited to a superficial level. In fact, you are here to bring these new ideas for the collective consciousness to be ready and evolve towards a new level.Deep down, you like to be a pioneer for a change! You bring the future thinking into today’s world through your “Earthquakes.” These movements of mental tectonic planes will not always be smooth, and you are prone to conflict in your relationships. Suppose your mental energy is not transmitted to other like-minded people over a long period. In that case, you might find yourself in loneliness and despair. So you must find such people who are in similar frequency with you and hold on to those friendships. At the end of the day, you will find that there are not so many of them.

Even if you feel lonely and nobody around you understands you, keep on with your progressive ideas. One day, at one opportunity, they will fall into just the right place, and you will feel blessed.

You may be an inspiring philosopher and a visionary, a debater, or someone with a confused mind. Brand new ideas from your brilliant brain would benefit the world or become another false dream. You have the potential to go in either direction. What is decisive is how you are going to deal with yourself. Be mindful. You must learn how to calm down and balance your excessive mental activity to avoid self-harming earthquakes. In other words, you need to “ground” your mental energy. Maybe this is the real meaning behind the name of this sign. Come to Earth!

While playing brain-enhancing games or doing scientific research are great ways to channel your mental energy, my best recommendation is to do meditation. It is an excellent medicine for you. If a sitting meditation is not easy, you can go into dancing, chi-kung, tai-chi, or yoga. You need to move your body somehow to create balance and calmness with your spirit, body, and mind. Also, the so-called active meditations might be very beneficial for you to create long pauses in your thinking. Try dynamic meditation or kundalini meditation.

I highly recommend methods like journaling or note-taking. These will help you to empty your brain and unload your excessive ideas. Why not create something actually by writing? Write a blog or a first draft of a book. Worst case scenario; get a giant whiteboard in your house and write everything on it.

Being too mental can minimize your connection to nature, which is one of the biggest challenges to overcome. Re-establishing and protecting your harmony with nature is essential for you. Spend long walks on the outside. “Forestbath” yourself at least once a week.

While doing all of that, do not worry that you will lose the precious ideas coming to your mind. You will not. On the contrary, it will be helpful for you to be more productive and assertive in the world. It is incredible how organized our thoughts could be after such calming and meditating experiences.

You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. You tend to be loyal and compromising, and you have good manners in a marriage situation.

You try to bring back the natural order to all levels of life. Remember, you are here to carry your community and humanity to a higher frequency. This is your gift to the rest of us; intense energy created by a life full of synchronicities and synergy. Oh yes, Mayans see Earth as a sign of synchronicity. Do not be surprised, but rather derive meaning from the coincidences that happen to you and use them as opportunities for meaningful connections. It is an opportunity for new understanding, a relationship between you and your friends, or between your brain cells. These are your most vital attributes. Come on, Earth; it is time to move and create space for the new.

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Mayans name this sign after the legendary Obsidian stone. Pointed and penetrative, also reflecting reality with its sharp surface. This stone has been a mirror for the Mayas for thousands of years. Mirror is another name for this sign; natives of this day are known for being a good mirror for people around them, potentially making this a challenging sign. Interestingly, Knife people are beautiful women or handsome men with sharp facial attributes.

When we look at the symbol of the Knife sign, we can see a duality separated by its razor-sharp edges. Being a Knife means having a competent perception of the dualities of life. As a Knife person, you tend to see the world as black and white or, more dramatically, good and evil. You can slice reality into perfectly accurate pieces and reveal what is true and what is not. Indeed, you have a deep passion for truthfulness in your heart.

Recognition of contrasts means seeing the world as an arena of conflict. Going into clashes like a warrior is something common in your life. You often find yourself choosing one reality over another. Such awareness is painful, making this sign a potentially difficult one to live with.

Intuitively, you have a tendency to stand up for the truth. Just as Archangel Michael cuts through the falsehood, using the sword of truth, so do you fight against lies, wrongdoings, and slandering. Deep down, you feel being a guardian of the truth is your service to humanity.

Generally, you are the person to solve complex problems, whether it is technical or social. These enrich your life with extraordinary experiences. However, you must be aware of troubles among people and of conspiracies against yourself. You might be blamed for gossip, slander, or something based on a misunderstanding. Suddenly, you are in a defensive position out of the blue. Stand your ground firm and strong in such moments. Gather your courage calmly in alertness and devotion to the truth. When doing so, you can reflect all evil intentions and slander back to their sources. You will come out of it clean and safe. Do not rush to use the sword of truth, but do not always keep it in the sheath either. Sometimes its glints will be sufficient to repel falsehood.

Nobody is perfect, and you can sometimes be hurtful due to your honesty and bluntness. You might often hear from people around you, or even your loved ones, that you are violent, unkind, or too straightforward. Your frankness may not be digested well by those who listen to you. Very often, you go into arguments.

You are usually in a dilemma because of your way of speaking. Holding your tongue means keeping the truth to yourself, but you may lose some friends here and there when you are blunt with people.

Yes, in most situations, you give the bitter medicine for most people. Truth hurts, but it also heals. When we look at the plant medicines of the indigenous world, we usually see that they are bitter and not easy to digest, whether it is Ayahuasca, Peyote, or Kambo. The energy of this sign act in a similar way. Your bitter medicine can be very healing if people can swallow the truth pill.

If you suppress your honesty, you will lose all the potential from the Knife sign. You were born to express the truth as much as you know it. Remember, there is nothing wrong with that. But keep asking yourself, what is the more profound and ultimate reality?

Mayans say that the Knife people are healers, and this sign has curative qualities. A knife can be a weapon to kill, but it can also be an instrument of healing in the right way. Just like a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon, that is unlike a knife that injures people. Surgeons can discern what to cut out and what not to. They aim at the cancer cells, not the patients themselves.

Talking about surgeons, you can be a good one, a medical doctor, or a healer. You are excellent with technical subjects and may have a career in engineering or information technology. You can use your hands very well and achieve virtuosity with a musical instrument.

You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a Flintstone, another name for this sign. You are social, brave, skillful, hardworking, filled with divine intelligence, talented, and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating, and selfless.

Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in intimate relationships, you may overreact and finish the relationship abruptly. If someone wants a long-term relationship with you, they will have to accept your dominant side.

The ability to separate emotions from reality, like slicing with a knife, is your innate ability. You tend to see things as right or wrong, but you often look at and correct yourself first.

Learning how to defend the truth without offending people requires you to undergo a significant transformation and maturity. It involves awakening to the spiritual truth about how we are “All Related,” as Nessi Gomes expresses in her song. We are all connected with quantum possibilities, genetic connections, and familial ties as the whole of humanity. So when you hurt a person, you are also hurting yourself. Have you ever felt it?

When you find yourself too judgmental of other people, ask yourself, maybe you are bound by a dualistic and limited understanding of life? Gautama Buddha says, “There are two kinds of people. Ones moving from light to dark, and those moving from dark to light.”  The science-fiction classic “Cloud Atlas” gives another perspective on this, in which being good and evil are interwoven into each other. We are all having our own unique stories. Remembering this will bring a feeling of lightness into your heart.

An awareness of a conflict can bring a strong desire to ensure compliance. When you focus on bringing harmony with your ability of distinction positively, you become the warrior healer that prevents corruption. You sacrifice yourself to defend and protect others. To use your energy correctly, you must approach the future with hope and positivity.

Essentially, thinking of the truth in the metaphysical sense will be your way out. Unraveling the mystery of illusion and revealing the mystical truth is almost necessary for a peaceful life for the Knife.

Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. You have a mission to unveil the curtains of mystery and open the path to higher consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom. You are logical and intuitive; therefore, you will be able to find the shortcuts leading to the unknown. Please notify us when you solve the code of the Matrix.

Keep polishing your Obsidian knife; you will shine like a diamond.

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You are lively, talkative, friendly, and constantly vigorous. You have an active mind that never gives up. You love to learn, and you can be an excellent teacher and a curious student. Since you are always seeking new experiences, you often meet your inner and outer limits. It is typical of you to take action without thinking. An extreme analogy would be diving into the water without knowing how to swim and then having a crash course on it while in the water. During these reckless experiences, you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons. You are happy to enrich your life by taking risks. You were born to experience ecstasy.

On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth, and curiosity. Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. You have a deeper side who is interested in religion, spirituality, or philosophy.

Another name for this Day Sign is Community, which signifies that you are very much connected with the group consciousness. Any social group you belong to, family, extended family, community, class, or ethnic group, has a significant role in your life. This is also true the other way around. You have an essential role in the family and the society you are part of. Your purpose in this life is to serve your social group or community in general. Social relationships will have a crucial role in your life. This does not necessarily mean that you will be very famous. Instead, you are known for being humble and in service.

You are highly sensitive and compassionate, and you feel a great desire to serve the world. You can dedicate yourself to a higher cause, which will help you to relieve yourself of worries. When you are committed, you will create positive solutions and get stronger to achieve your goals.

Storm energy has a resonance with the divine feminine. Even if you are a man, you will have strong feminine qualities. Despite your soft nature, you can appear as a strong leader. Your family, friends, and the community you live in, empower you. You can climb the ladder of success in politics and or social service. A gentle warning here: you might tend to abuse your power and take advantage of others. Learning fair leadership is a skill to be discovered.

Your family bonds are solid. On the positive side, you will always be supported by your parents or your extended family. You are a good son or daughter and a good parent when you become one. You have a strong bond with your family, especially with your mother. Even though this bond may seem to benefit you, it creates an unhealthy attachment problem. It might be a challenge for you to let go of your bonds and make your individual steps in life as a mature adult person. It will be good to loosen up the family ties so you can have a peaceful and harmonious romantic relationship with your partner.

In the Yucatan way, the Light sign is the last of the 20 signs. It represents enlightenment, the ultimate step in the evolutionary cycle. Storm comes just before it. This energy blows like a hurricane for clearing, releasing, and healing whatever needs to be cleaned from the past so one can reach enlightenment.

These are not dry storms, but a Rainstorm in many cases, which carries the element of water. It brings up some of the Water sign qualities within you: emotional, purifying, and balancing, but at the same time working with karmic loads. Health issues or other kinds of problems or obstacles come up in your life for resolution.

To fulfill your mission, you should do what is needed and find your master teacher. You will never forget your true essence if you serve humanity with a compassionate and non-judgmental heart. You bring us the abundance and gifts of the rain. The nature of the Storm sign brings feelings of security, unity, and warmth while there is anger and trouble out in the world.

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You are gentle, well-intentioned, and generous. This Day Sign is also called Ancestors by the Mayans. Therefore your path to receiving guidance from your ancestors is open. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have solid inner ideals.

The Aztecs say this is the sign of poets, singers, dancers, and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an athlete, a hero, or a wise visionary that leads people, an artist, or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual type, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science, and philosophy.

In the Yucatec Maya system, Light is the last of the 20 signs, which signifies the final step of evolution, enlightenment. You carry glimpses of the spiritual illumination within you.  Because you are so gentle-natured, sometimes this world can appear cruel and dark to you. Indeed, you may tend to dim your light if you feel disillusioned or disappointed with life and relationships. However, you should do precisely the opposite if you want to accomplish your life purposes. Keep shining on and illuminate the world so that it could be a more bearable place for all of us.

Relationships, in general, are pretty challenging for you. That’s mainly because your expectations are often unrealistic from the beginning. You may have ultra-high expectations from others and yourself as well. This unrealistic strive for “perfection” can lead to disappointment, and as a result, you may run away from your responsibilities. You tend not to forgive people’s mistakes and be easily offended. To remedy such issues, simplify your life and accept the world as it is. Lower your expectations. You will rise with unconditional love and shine again.

Be stubborn in your efforts to manifest your dreams. One of the names of this sign is the Hunter. This is about overcoming all the challenges between you and your desired goal. You will often be tested in your quest about what you want to achieve in your life. There will be many challenges on your way but have confidence. You have the means to overcome these challenges. Just recognize them, and keep going, keep moving forward. You are bound to reach success and achieve your goals.

In this lifetime, you are going through many life lessons. Pay attention, especially to lessons about having a selfish and dominant character. The more you digest these lessons, the more you will gain wisdom about the nature of spirituality.

You have substantial aspects such as clarity, precision, and certainty, just like a hunter. You are also courageous, intelligent, and have strong self-confidence. You may be blessed with psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. You might have an accessible and intimate relationship with the other world. But such ease and proximity may be unhealthy at times. This is about using your spiritual powers responsibly, ethically, and healthily. Consecrate your efforts to connect with the spiritual world and ask for protection.

You might also get caught up in worldly pleasures, desires, and comfort. If you stay away from the unhealthy part of mysticism and do not get caught in worldly desires, you will become wealthy and wise.

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