Your Day Sign

Cib (Yucatan) / Ajmaq (Kiche)
Personality: Serious, wise, profound, realistic, and pragmatic. Status-conscious, has high standards. Hardened to life. Becomes a counselor by learning life lessons from others.
Owl is a symbol of wisdom, especially the knowledge of the old ones. Mayans say that persons born on the day of the Owl are old souls, reincarnated many times to this life. Old spirits carry the wisdom of ancient times. The energy of the Owl puts you in touch with the other worlds. It brings telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. Being an old soul obviously brings about wisdom, so much so that Mayans sometimes name this sign Wisdom.
As an old soul, you wish the best for yourself and the people close to you. Nevertheless, you would like to eliminate those who do not fit your high standards. Because of your didactic nature and teacher-like characteristics, you tend to look for high status and authority in society. Old souls are usually attributed to positions of respect, naturally.
One of the best practices I suggest for an Owl person is to visit ancient sites and literally sit and meditate in a temple. You will be surprised. And probably, you will feel at home. Being around ancient temples, archeological sites, or places known to be old centers of energy will give you a lot of energetic experiences and intuitive insights. Reading about and practicing ancient esoteric wisdom traditions will also empower you. That’s because you have a quick and easy connection with the ancient spiritual traditions of our planet, whether it is from Egypt, India, Tibet, the Middle East, Mesoamerica, or Northern Europe.
Mayans believe that the Owl people come to this life to purify and burn a lot of karma from past lives. It makes this lifetime a challenging one. The utmost important point of awareness for you, especially in hostile times, is this: Don’t fret. Being conscious, instead of being pessimistic, is your way out [...]
Mayans say that the type of karma Owl sign needs to clean has much to do with sexual pleasures or addictions. Let me tell you one typical way karma works with you: Honeybee. Yes, it is one of the symbols for this sign. Just like a honeybee tastes honey, you like to taste the pleasures of life. However, if the Honeybee gets greedy or caught up in pleasuring itself too much, it can fall into the honey and get drown. Moral of the story, be very careful with your tendencies for bad habits [...]
Challenge: Overcome issues of self-confidence and self-control.
Remedy: To excel in career and everything you do.
Appropriate professions: Strategist, politician, mathematician, preacher, doctor.
Signs you get along with: Owl, Monkey, Crocodile and Death.
Signs that contribute to your growth: Owl, Road, Light, Seed and Rabbit.
Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your business, relationships, and spiritual growth.
There are 20 Mayan signs, changing daily. The day you were born determines your Day Sign. It shows your typical attributes, your most dominant characteristics.
You have eight more signs surrounding the Day sign, each explaining a different aspect of your life. It is called a Tree of Life and consists of three columns and three lines.
The central column signs in the center make up the core of your being. They guide you, support and inspire you on your journey throughout life.
The female column signs influence your private life and intimate relationships. Not just the romantic relationships but also the family ties and relationships with the significant others.
The male signs influence your job, career, your power relationships. How you interact with the world and what you serve to the society at large.
There are three main stages in your life: Youth, Adolescent, and Maturity.
Which of these signs will influence you the most depend on your age. The dominant sign at each of the columns will change over the years.
You also have a Galactic Tone and a Trecena Sign, which are complementary to your Day Sign.
To see the complete picture, you can get a Detailed Report describing all of the nine signs on your Mayan Tree of Life.
Your Tone

* Patterns
* Work
* Creativity
* Working with joy
* Justice
* Harmony
* Balance realized as substance
From simplicity to eternity, the 8 energy organizes everything that exists. You have strong organizational skills and weigh all possibilities with clarity before reaching the balance point. You have a natural talent for being aware of the basic patterns that emerge in life. You are born with a curiosity to understand patterns and systems underlying the world around you. This makes you quite an intellectual type. You like going deep and wide in any subject you are studying [...]
The main intention you have is to bring balance and harmony into your life. Understanding the patterns and the systems, you can quickly determine where the balance is lost and what needs to be adjusted to bring the harmony back. This goes for everything in our collective life as the human species on this planet. Understanding the cycle of life and what it entails helps you bring principles, balance, and justice [...]
Your Trecana Sign

Muluc (Yucatan) / Toj (Kiche)
Personality: Emotional, imaginative, psychic, and romantic. Maybe dominating others by reflecting intense emotions on them.
Your soft-natured, humble, emotional, and hard-working characteristics make you noticeable. Also, you are dynamic, intelligent, and an excellent communicator. These features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk-taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary, and creative skills are worth noticing. You can find your balance like the water finds its way.
In certain Mayan rituals, people pray for the element of Water to harmonize and purify their society and community. These ceremonies are an essential part of their lives in terms of living in united collective power and harmony. Water sign on the sacred calendar is also called Fire, as these ceremonies have a fireplace or candles at their hearts. Hence the energy of this sign is like fire, burning negativities, purifying, and harmonizing.
This sign is all about giving and paying back. In one Mayan version, this sign is named Sacrifice. No surprise that you may feel like humbly serving and giving to others. Or it might be that you suffer significantly from negativities, problems, diseases, etc. Don’t despair. This is one of the most beautiful Mayan signs, as you will see [...]
Sacrificing with total sincerity opens many gates, psychologically speaking. It solves many problems, brings harmony to one’s life, and clears the way to success and fulfillment. Delayed gratification is at the base of our civilization. When done correctly, wholly from the heart, it leads to peace instead of resentment. Jordan Peterson has a magnificent chapter about this in his book Twelve Rules for Life: Rule Seven - Do What is Meaningful (not what is expedient).
What does it mean to give back, as this Mayan sign suggests? First, remember that the one who gives back is the one who surrenders, the humble one. This sign has a significant influence on your psychology about the awareness of the ego. You might be well-known in your social circles for your sacrifice and devotion. Maybe all of these don't sound very pleasant, but spiritually you are very fortunate [...]
Obviously, you are an emotional and fragile human being. Emotions play a big part in your being [...]
Challenge: Self control and responsibility
Remedy: Consistency and persistence.
Appropriate professions: Mathematician, social scientist.
Signs you get along with: Water, Jaguar, Storm and Seed
Signs that contribute to your growth: Water, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Serpent.
Do you want to learn more about your Mayan sign results? Claim your FULL REPORT for complete analyses of your Tree of Life signs. Discover the days best for your business, relationships, and spiritual growth.