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The Mayan Sign and Trecena of Wind

Sian - December 21, 2020 - 0 comments

The Mayan Sign and Trecena of Wind

Today is the first day of the 13-day Wind Trecena. So, in the spirit of today, we are sharing one of Fatih’s videos on the Mayan Sign: Wind.

Mayan Sign Wind Let it Flow

The Wind Trecena

Today – 21 December 2020 = 1 Wind / Ik (Yucatan) / Iq (Kiche)

This particular day is described as:

Iq’ has a reputation as one of the most turbulent of all the nawales (day signs).

The day of the wind can blow like a hurricane and knock almost anything down. But it can also be the day of the “breath of life.”

During this trecena or thirteen-day cycle, try not to get too agitated or off balance about anything. Take time for a deep breath. Transform your inner storms and hurricanes into the breath of life.

The Mayan Sign: Wind

Wind is the second day sign in the Mayan ‘zodiac’. It is also known by the name Ik or Iq.

If your main Mayan sign is Wind, or you have it somewhere in your Tree of Life, the following video will be particularly interesting for you.

Fatih shares:

According to the Yucatan Maya, Crocodile is the first sign and Wind is the second sign. Therefore, they believe life starts with the Crocodile, and spirit is blown into the life form by the Wind sign.

So the Wind sign has a purpose in this life that is revolved around bringing spiritual messages and inspirations. Wind also carries messages – as I speak, what I say is heard by you, thanks to the air, and therefore, the wind.

This makes communication a very important aspect of your life, and you can actually train yourself for better communication so that you can give your messages more effectively.

Medium communication is a very good field for your career. You can be very successful in this field, because you know how to pass the messages on.

Just remember that the spiritual aspect of messages is more important than anything else. So, try to connect with your inner spiritual essence and to inspire humanity with these messages.

Blow like a cool breeze instead of like a hurricane

The Wind element is around us all the time. And it’s a wonderful exercise to consider and connect the characteristics of the element to the characteristics of the Mayan Sign.

Because the Maya have such a strong bond with the natural world, this seems like a fitting way to understand these signs.

When I think of the Wind element, I see both sides, the calm and the crazy. The calm breeze, gently flowing. Or the strong hurricane, intense and even angry.

In this video, as Fatih describes the Wind sign, I can imagine the elements of a person with this sign.

Fatih continues:

As a Wind sign, you need to take care of your lungs. Breathwork and any kind of Pranayama work very well for you.

The Indian concept of Prana fits very well with you. Prana is not just air, it means ‘life force’. As a Wind sign, you carry this life force with you.

The divine life force is within you. This means you carry this strong force – the breath of God according to the Maya – with you.

This can sometimes bring about a bit of ego. So just make sure that you perceive things from a non-egoistic standpoint. Think that this doesn’t belong to me, and rather see yourself as a channel for this divine life force.

If you think you are the source of this life force, you can become egotistic and sometimes anger can come out. This can make you angry, even furious, and you can damage things around you. You can blow like a hurricane.

Try to be aware of when this is happening, and try to go into the surrendering and let go of the ego as much as you can. Then your messages will bring humanity beautiful spiritual inspirations, and can blow like a cool breeze on a summer’s day.

Let it flow

If you’re a Wind sign, I’d encourage you to check out the full video and discover more about this sign, like why having a moon calendar is beneficial to you.

And if you’re a Wind sign, let us know in the comments if any particular characteristics resonate strongly for you.

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Sian is a lover of many things and enjoys exploring all corners of life. Part content creator and part health coach, she uses both coaching and content to inspire people to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

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